14 Facts About Ableton Live


Ableton Live is a digital audio workstation for macOS and Windows developed by the German company Ableton.

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In contrast to many other software sequencers, Ableton Live is designed to be an instrument for live performances as well as a tool for composing, recording, arranging, mixing, and mastering.

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Ableton Live was created by Gerhard Behles, Robert Henke and Bernd Roggendorf in the mid-1990s.

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Ableton Live expanded to become a digital audio workstation with a MIDI sequencer and support for virtual studio technology.

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In 2010, Ableton introduced Max for Live, enabling connectivity between Max and Live.

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Ableton Live made it easier for musicians to use computers as instruments in live performance without programming their own software, influencing the rise of global festival culture in the 2000s.

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MIDI triggers notes on Ableton Live's built in instruments, as well as third party VST instruments or external hardware.

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Intro version of Ableton Live includes four instruments and the Standard version of Ableton Live additionally includes External Instrument, with users having the option to purchase additional instruments.

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Ableton Live offers a selection of Add-on Sample Packs with which a user can expand the sound libraries for their instruments.

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Ableton Live has released their own MIDI controller, the Push, which is the first pad-based controller that embraces scales and melody.

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In November 2015, Ableton released an updated MIDI controller, the Push 2, along with Live 9.

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The effects featured in Ableton Live are grouped into two categories - MIDI effects and audio effects.

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Once finished, Ableton Live will create a new MIDI track containing the fresh MIDI notes along with an instrument to play back the notes.

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Much of Ableton Live's interface comes from being designed for use in live performance, as well as for production.

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