41 Facts About Abu Zubaydah


Abu Zubaydah is held under the authority of Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Terrorists.


Abu Zubaydah was transferred among prisons in various countries including a year in Poland, as part of a United States' extraordinary rendition program.


Videotapes of some of Abu Zubaydah's interrogations are amongst those destroyed by the CIA in 2005.


At his Combatant Status Review Tribunal in 2007, Abu Zubaydah said he was told that the CIA realized he was not significant.


Abu Zubaydah stated through his US lawyer that he would be donating the awarded funds to victims of torture.


Abu Zubaydah joined the mujahideen in the Afghan Civil War, perhaps serving under Mohamad Kamal Elzahabi.


In 1992, Abu Zubaydah was injured in a mortar shell blast, which left shrapnel in his head and caused severe memory loss, as well as the loss of the ability to speak for over one year.


Abu Zubaydah eventually became involved in the training camp known as the Khalden training camp, where he oversaw the flow of recruits and obtained passports and paperwork for men transferring out of Khalden.


Abu Zubaydah was convicted in absentia in Jordan and sentenced to death by a Jordanian court for his role in plots to bomb US and Israeli targets there.


The report said that Abu Zubaydah was planning his own attack on the US However, when Ressam was tried in December 2001, federal prosecutors did not try to connect him to Abu Zubaydah or refer to any of this supposed evidence in its case.


Abu Zubaydah was apprehended from one of the targeted safe houses in Faisalabad, Pakistan.


Abu Zubaydah was taken by the Pakistanis to a Pakistani hospital nearby and treated for his wounds.


The CIA flew in a doctor from Johns Hopkins University to ensure Abu Zubaydah would survive during transit out of Pakistan.


In December 2019, The New York Times published an article in partnership with the Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting which was based upon drawings made by Abu Zubaydah, showing how he was tortured in "vivid and disturbing ways".


The article includes some of the drawings as well as a link to a 61-page report titled "How America Tortures", and asserts that Abu Zubaydah was never a member of Al Qaeda.


Abu Zubaydah was interrogated by two separate interrogation teams: the first from the FBI and one from the CIA.


Soufan, who witnessed part of the CIA interrogation of Abu Zubaydah, described his treatment under the CIA as torture.


John Kiriakou stated in July 2009 that Abu Zubaydah was waterboarded in the early summer of 2002, months before the August 1,2002, memo was written.


Abu Zubaydah was subjected to beatings, isolation, waterboarding, long-time standing, continuous cramped confinement, and sleep deprivation.


Former CIA analyst and case officer John Kiriakou asserted that while Abu Zubaydah was in CIA custody, a box of cockroaches were poured on him inside of a coffin he was confined to for two weeks, because of an irrational fear Abu Zubaydah has of cockroaches.


Abu Zubaydah was one of three or more high-value detainees to be waterboarded.


The Bush administration in 2007 said that Abu Zubaydah had been waterboarded once.


Intelligence sources claimed as early as 2008 that Abu Zubaydah had been waterboarded no less than ten times in the span of one week.


Abu Zubaydah was waterboarded 83 times within the month of August 2002, the month the CIA was authorized to use this enhanced interrogation techniques for him.


Abu Zubaydah was the only detainee of the 14 interviewed who had been subjected to all 12 of these interrogation techniques.


Abu Zubaydah was the only one of the 14 detainees to be put into close confinement.


Abu Zubaydah said the most valuable information was gained before torture was used.


On that occasion, although the on-scene interrogation team judged Abu Zubaydah to be compliant, elements within CIA Headquarters still believed he was withholding information.


Apparently, the source of the rumor that Abu Zubaydah was unbalanced was his personal diary, in which he adopted various personas.


From that shaky perch, some junior Freudians leapt to the conclusion that Abu Zubaydah had multiple personalities.


Abu Zubaydah's capture was touted as the biggest of the War on Terror until that of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed.


Abu Zubaydah gave them the names before torture was used, and the third piece of information came from other sources who had been receiving crucial pieces of information from him without the use of harsher techniques, as well as other government officials.


In 2004, media coverage of Abu Zubaydah began listing him as a "disappeared" prisoner, stating he had no access to the International Red Cross.


Abu Zubaydah's diaries spanned ten years and recorded in numbing detail "what he ate, or wore, or trifling things [people] said".


Joseph Margulies, Abu Zubaydah's co-counsel, wrote in an op-ed in the Los Angeles Times in 2009:.


Abu Zubaydah has an excruciating sensitivity to sounds, hearing what others do not.


Less than one month after Abu Zubaydah's capture, Justice Department officials said Abu Zubaydah was "a near-ideal candidate for a tribunal trial".


At his Combatant Status Review Tribunal in 2007, Abu Zubaydah said he was told that the CIA realized he was not significant.


Abu Zubaydah's lawyers, including Joseph Margulies and George Brent Mickum IV, filed a lawsuit in July 2008 challenging his detention at Guantanamo Bay detention camps after the Boumediene v Bush ruling.


Abu Zubaydah promised the use of torture would cease at the camp.


In connection with the European Court of Human Rights proceedings, Abu Zubaydah filed suit in the US seeking disclosure of information related to the matter.