11 Facts About Academic authorship


Academic authorship of journal articles, books, and other original works is a means by which academics communicate the results of their scholarly work, establish priority for their discoveries, and build their reputation among their peers.

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The journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America has an editorial policy that specifies "Academic authorship should be limited to those who have contributed substantially to the work" and furthermore, "authors are strongly encouraged to indicate their specific contributions" as a footnote.

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The APA acknowledge that Academic authorship is not limited to the writing of manuscripts, but must include those who have made substantial contributions to a study such as "formulating the problem or hypothesis, structuring the experimental design, organizing and conducting the statistical analysis, interpreting the results, or writing a major portion of the paper".

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Today, shared authorship is common in most academic disciplines, with the exception of the humanities, where sole authorship is still the predominant model.

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Alternatively, the increase in multi-Academic authorship is according to a game-theoretic analysis a consequence of the way scientists are evaluated.

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Honorary Academic authorship is sometimes granted to those who played no significant role in the work, for a variety of reasons.

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Gift Academic authorship consist on Academic authorship obtained by the offer of another author with objectives that are beyond the research article itself or are ulterior, as promotion or favor.

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Still, omitting the Academic authorship criteria by prioritizing hierarchy arguments, is an unethical practice.

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Ghost Academic authorship occurs when an individual makes a substantial contribution to the research or the writing of the report, but is not listed as an author.

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Ghost Academic authorship has been linked to partnerships between industry and higher education.

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Academic authorship did not win the competition, but eventually her paper was published alongside the winning submissions, under her real name.

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