10 Facts About Action sports


Definition of extreme Action sports is not exact and the origin of the terms is unclear, but it gained popularity in the 1990s when it was picked up by marketing companies to promote the X Games and when the Extreme Sports Channel and Extreme International launched.

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Extreme Action sports are rarely sanctioned by schools for their physical education curriculum.

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Extreme Action sports tend to be more solitary than many of the popular traditional Action sports.

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Activities categorized by media as extreme Action sports differ from traditional Action sports due to the higher number of inherently uncontrollable variables.

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Some Action sports have existed for decades and their proponents span generations, some going on to become well known personalities.

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Nonprofit organizations such as Adaptive Action Sports seek to increase awareness of the participation in action sports by members of the disabled community, as well as increase access to the adaptive technologies that make participation possible and to competitions such as The X Games.

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Extreme Action sports is a sub-category of Action sports that are described as any kind of sport "of a character or kind farthest removed from the ordinary or average".

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However, these Action sports have the potential to produce drastic benefits on mental and physical health and provide opportunity for individuals to engage fully with life.

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In outdoor adventure Action sports, participants get to experience the emotion of intense thrill, usually associated with the extreme Action sports.

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Scholar Sarah Jaquette Ray describes how risk in adventure Action sports is dependent upon the threat of disability, which provides meaning to “extreme” endeavors, while adventure culture's focus on physical fitness often makes people with disabilities invisible within the extreme Action sports community.

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