21 Facts About Adam Ferguson


Adam Ferguson criticized commercial society as making men weak, dishonourable and unconcerned for their community.


Adam Ferguson has been called "the father of modern sociology" for his contributions to the early development of the discipline.


Adam Ferguson continued attached to the regiment till 1754, when, disappointed at not obtaining a living, he left the clergy and resolved to devote himself to literary pursuits.


In 1759 Adam Ferguson became professor of natural philosophy in the University of Edinburgh, and in 1764 transferred to the chair of "pneumatics" "and moral philosophy".


In 1778 Adam Ferguson was appointed secretary to the Carlisle Peace Commission which endeavoured, but without success, to negotiate an arrangement with the revolted colonies.


Adam Ferguson believed that the history of the Roman Republic during the period of their greatness formed a practical illustration of those ethical and political doctrines which he studied especially.


Adam Ferguson is buried in the churchyard of St Andrews Cathedral, against the east wall.

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Adam Ferguson shared his republican contemporaries' fear that imperial expansion would undermine the liberty of a state, but he saw representative institutions as a solution to the dangers posed by an expanding state.


Adam Ferguson defended the British Empire, but argued that political representation was key to prevent it from becoming tyrannical.


Adam Ferguson saw history as a two-tiered synthesis of natural history and social history, to which all humans belong.


Adam Ferguson emphasized aspects of medieval chivalry as ideal masculine characteristics.


Adam Ferguson was a leading advocate of the Idea of Progress.


Adam Ferguson believed that the growth of a commercial society through the pursuit of individual self-interest could promote a self-sustaining progress.


Yet paradoxically Adam Ferguson believed that such commercial growth could foster a decline in virtue and thus ultimately lead to a collapse similar to Rome's.


Adam Ferguson was influenced by classical humanism and such writers as Tacitus, Niccolo Machiavelli, and Thomas Hobbes.


The fellow members of Edinburgh's Select Society, which included David Hume and Adam Ferguson Smith, were major influences.


Adam Ferguson believed that civilization is largely about laws that restrict our independence as individuals but provide liberty in the sense of security and justice.


Adam Ferguson warned that social chaos usually leads to despotism.


Smith emphasized capital accumulation as the driver of growth, but Adam Ferguson suggested innovation and technical advance were more important, and he is therefore in some ways more in line with modern thinking.


Adam Ferguson suffered an attack of paralysis in 1780 but fully recovered and became a vegetarian for the rest of his life.


Adam Ferguson did not dine out unless with his friend Joseph Black.