37 Facts About Adam Holloway


Adam James Harold Holloway was born on 29 July 1965 and is a British Conservative Party politician who has been the Member of Parliament for Gravesham since 2005.


Adam Holloway served as Government Whip from September to October 2022, and as Assistant Government Whip from July to September 2022.


Adam Holloway currently serves on the Home Affairs Select Committee and European Scrutiny Committee.


Adam Holloway was a vocal supporter of pro-Brexit lobby group Leave Means Leave.


Adam Holloway was privately educated at Cranleigh School in Surrey.


Adam Holloway then spent his gap year with the Afghan Resistance during the Soviet-Afghan War.


Adam Holloway attended Magdalene College, Cambridge, where he studied social and political sciences, with his degree promoted by tradition to an MA.


Adam Holloway returned to Afghanistan, visited Nicaragua during the Nicaraguan Revolution and taught in Soweto and South Africa during his university summer holidays.


Adam Holloway later completed an MBA at Imperial College London.


Adam Holloway served as an Armoured Infantry officer in the British Army on the Rhine.


Adam Holloway served in the Gulf War as a Captain in 1st Battalion, Grenadier Guards.


Adam Holloway went undercover as a Bosnian Muslim fleeing ethnic cleansing in the Balkans and experienced people smuggling firsthand.


Adam Holloway was with ITV's News at 10, where, as the lead investigator, he exposed a Filipino child prostitution ring by posing as a paedophile.


Adam Holloway delivered his maiden speech in the House of Commons on 28 June 2005, praising his constituency's multicultural community and raising issues of local crime.


Adam Holloway was returned as MP for Gravesham at the general election of 6 May 2010 with 22,956 votes and with an increased majority of 9,312.


In 2011, Adam Holloway undertook a fact-finding mission to Libya during the Overthrow of Muanmar Gaddafi.


Adam Holloway has spent time in Iraq at the frontline with the Islamic State, and on his own has visited Mosul.


Adam Holloway actively abstained in the vote for air strikes in Syria in November 2015.


Adam Holloway was re-elected in 2015 general election with a majority of 8,370.


Adam Holloway publicly supported the United Kingdom's withdrawal from the European Union in the 2016 United Kingdom European Union membership referendum.


Adam Holloway stated his reasons for being pro-Brexit as control of immigration, preservation of national sovereignty and maintaining strong defence ties with the United States.


Adam Holloway was criticised by political rivals in June 2017 after he was seen campaigning with Janice Atkinson, then an independent MEP for South East England and former UKIP member, who had been suspended from her former party after a fraud enquiry was started relating to her expenses, and who had subsequently become vice-president of Marine Le Pen's far-right European Parliament grouping.


Adam Holloway was re-elected in the 2017 general election with a majority of 9,347.


Adam Holloway submitted a letter of no confidence to Prime Minister Theresa May over the Chequers plan for Brexit in November 2018.


Adam Holloway justified his letter of no confidence as "you can not have someone leading a mission who does not believe in the mission".


Adam Holloway was one of the 28 so-called 'Brexit Spartans' who voted against her deal when it was presented for a third time in March 2019.


On 22 July 2021, Adam Holloway made a personal statement in the House of Commons apologising.


In February 2022, Adam Holloway visited Ukraine immediately following the Russian invasion of the country.


The trip was criticised by Downing Street who had advised against travel to the country; Adam Holloway said the trip would improve his ability to represent constituents and understand the conflict better.


In March 2022, Adam Holloway campaigned against the Lower Thames Crossing.


Adam Holloway pointed out increased congestion in his constituency and argued against the economic case of the project, calling it a "White elephant".


Adam Holloway publicy backed Boris Johnson during Partygate and the subsequent government crisis.


Adam Holloway criticised the BBC for blowing the issue "out of proportion" and making Boris Johnson look like "some sort of Hannibal Lecter".


Adam Holloway served as an Assistant Government Whip from July to September 2022 and Government Whip from September to October 2022 under Boris Johnson and Liz Truss.


Adam Holloway currently sits on the Home Affairs Select Committee and the European Scrutiny Committee.


Adam Holloway has previously served on the Defence Select Committee, Public Administration Committee, Foreign Affairs Select Committee and Science and Technology Select Committee.


Adam Holloway is a member of All-party parliamentary groups for Bahrain, Belize, Defence and Security Issues, Fit and Healthy Childhood, Foreign Affairs, Kazakhstan, Kurdistan in Turkey and Syria, Kyrgyzstan, London's Planning and Built Environment, Mongolia, Ukraine and Yoga in Society.