12 Facts About Adolph Menzel


Adolph Friedrich Erdmann von Menzel was a German Realist artist noted for drawings, etchings, and paintings.


Adolph Menzel was born to German parents in Breslau, Prussian Silesia, on 8 December 1815.


Adolph Menzel's father was a lithographer and intended to educate his son as a professor, but did not thwart his taste for art.


In 1830 the family moved to Berlin, and in 1832 Adolph Menzel was forced to take over the lithographic business on the death of his father.


Adolph Menzel executed lithographs in the same manner to illustrate Denkwurdigkeiten aus der brandenburgisch-preussischen Geschichte; The Five Senses and The Prayer, as well as diplomas for various corporations and societies.


Adolph Menzel subsequently brought out Friedrichs der Grossen Armee in ihrer Uniformirung, Soldaten Friedrichs der Grossen ; and finally, by order of King Frederick William IV, he illustrated the works of Frederick the Great, Illustrationen zu den Werken Friedrichs des Grossen.


Adolph Menzel's fame came from his illustrations of the 18th-century Prussian monarch, Frederick the Great.

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Adolph Menzel made sure to do research on the items he was painting.


From 1840 and onward Adolph Menzel became admirable for his small paintings and drawings.


Adolph Menzel puts there everything that is called for by the character.


Adolph Menzel was made a member of the Academie des Beaux-Arts in Paris and the Royal Academy in London.


Several important works by Adolph Menzel were seized, sold by force or under duress during the Nazi period.