16 Facts About Adriana Barraza


Adriana Barraza Gonzalez was born on 5 March 1956 and is a Mexican actress, acting teacher, and director.


Adriana Barraza's mother died when she was ten years old from myocarditis, a heart condition.


Adriana Barraza has a sister named Maria Eugenia Barraza and three brothers, Eduardo, Porfirio, and Jose.


Adriana Barraza is known in Mexico as Master Adriana Barraza from her partnership with Mexican director Sergio Jimenez, known as El Profe.


Adriana Barraza began her career directing telenovela episodes, the actors in which she would coach.


Adriana Barraza currently operates her own acting school located in Miami, Florida titled Adriana Barraza's Black Box.


In 1985, Adriana Barraza moved to Mexico City, to work as a theatre director.


Since 1985, Adriana Barraza has guest starred and directed the Mexican television show Mujer, Casos de la Vida Real, alongside host Silvia Pinal.


Adriana Barraza has been a part of the telenovela ensembles of Bajo un Mismo Rostro playing Elvira, La Paloma as Madre Clara and Imperio de Cristal as Flora.


Adriana Barraza directed Locura de Amor, Nunca Te Olvidare and El Manantial.


Adriana Barraza appeared in the films Henry Poole Is Here, Drag Me to Hell, And Soon the Darkness.


Adriana Barraza had a recurring role as Guadalupe Elizalde, on the FX television series The Strain.


Adriana Barraza is a professional acting coach and has worked with actors for a number of films and television shows, including the American film Spanglish.


Adriana Barraza worked for Telemundo as an acting instructor, teaching accents to actors and actresses from all over Latin America, giving them a more Mexican lilt and sound appropriate for their character.


Adriana Barraza became pregnant at age 18 with her daughter, actress Carolina Valsagna b 1975.


Adriana Barraza studied acting through the Fine Arts School at Autonomous University of Chihuahua.