11 Facts About Aircrew Badge


Aircrew Badge, commonly known as Wings, is a qualification badge of the United States military that is awarded by all five branches of armed services to personnel who serve as aircrew members on board military aircraft.

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The badge was similar in design to the Aviator Badge and displayed an emblem denoting enlisted status on its circular shield, or escutcheon, centered between two wings.

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Air Force Aircrew Badge is a direct successor to the Army Air Forces version of the decoration.

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The enlisted version of the Aircrew Badge remained relatively the same and was now referred to as the Enlisted Aircrew Badge.

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The number of officers awarded the Aircrew Badge dropped considerably in 1999, when Air Battle Managers became a rated career field, and thus began being issued their own separate aviation badge.

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Award of the Senior Officer or Senior Enlisted Aircrew Badge occurs when all of the following criteria are met: 7 years aviation service, 1300 flight hours, and 72 months of paid flying service.

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Award of the Master Officer or Chief Enlisted Aircrew Badge occurs when all of the following criteria are met: 15 years aviation service, 2,300 flight hours, and 144 months of paid flying service.

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Naval and Coast Guard Aircrew Badge Wings are issued in a single degree with no upgrade devices used or authorized.

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Certain naval officers can qualify for the Naval Aviation Observer Aircrew Badge following completion of a structured Personnel Qualification Standard syllabus and a check flight qualifying them for observer duties on that aircraft.

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Aircrew Badge wings are issued almost exclusively to enlisted aviation ratings, with the exception of other sailors in other naval ratings who are assigned to aircrew billets, including but not limited to Cryptologists, Information Technicians, Intelligence Specialists, and Hospital Corpsmen.

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Marine Combat Aircrew Badge can be issued to service members of both the Marine Corps and United States Navy.

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