11 Facts About Al Ullman


Albert Conrad Ullman was an American politician in the Democratic Party who represented in the United States House of Representatives from 1957 to 1981.


One of the most influential Oregonians ever to be elected to Congress, along with Senator Wayne Morse, Al Ullman presided over the powerful House Committee on Ways and Means during a period of time in which he was deeply involved in shaping national policy on issues relating to taxation, budget reform, federal entitlement programs, international trade, and energy.


Al Ullman was born in Great Falls, Montana, and raised initially at Gildford, Montana, after which the family moved to Cathcart, near Snohomish, Washington, where his father ran a small country grocery store.


Al Ullman ran successfully for the seat in 1956, defeating Coon.


Al Ullman represented one of the largest districts in the nation that did not cover an entire state.


Al Ullman's district stretched from the state capital of Salem all the way to the Idaho border.


For most of his Congressional career, Al Ullman was viewed as a moderate Democrat.

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Al Ullman served as chairman of the new House Budget Committee in 1974.


In 1975, Al Ullman ascended to the chairmanship of the House's powerful Ways and Means Committee, on which he had served since 1961.


In 1981, Al Ullman gave his extensive Congressional papers to the University of Oregon.


Al Ullman lived in Arlington, Virginia and Falls Church, Virginia until his death due to prostate cancer on October 11,1986.