10 Facts About Alessandro Blasetti


Alessandro Blasetti was an Italian film director and screenwriter who influenced Italian neorealism with the film Quattro passi fra le nuvole.


Alessandro Blasetti is sometimes known as the "father of Italian cinema" because of his role in reviving the struggling industry in the late 1920s.


Alessandro Blasetti worked for several film magazines and led a campaign for national film production, which had largely ceased by this point.


In 1929 Alessandro Blasetti made his directorial debut with Sun, a fictional story set against the ongoing draining of the Pontine Marshes.


The strong reception for Sun led to Alessandro Blasetti receiving an offer from Stefano Pittaluga, the only significant commercial producer left working in Italy at the time.


Alessandro Blasetti directed what would have been the first Italian sound film Resurrection, but delays meant that it was released after Gennaro Righelli's The Song of Love.


In 1934 Alessandro Blasetti directed the play 18 BL a "mass theatre" performed outdoors with 2,000 amateur actors.

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Anna Magnani

Alessandro Blasetti was a driving force in the revival of the Italian film industry in the 1930s, having lobbied for greater state funding and support.


Alessandro Blasetti played himself in Luchino Visconti's film Bellissima starred by Anna Magnani, a Roman mother who desires to make her daughter a filmstar in Cinecitta where Blasetti makes the screen test for the child actors.


Alessandro Blasetti was President of the Jury at the 1967 Cannes Film Festival.