11 Facts About Alexander Pruss


Alexander Robert Pruss was born on January 5,1973 and is a Canadian philosopher and mathematician.


Alexander Pruss is currently a professor of philosophy and the co-director of graduate studies in philosophy at Baylor University in Waco, Texas.


Alexander Pruss's best known book is The Principle of Sufficient Reason: A Reassessment.


Alexander Pruss maintains his own philosophy blog and contributed to the Prosblogion philosophy of religion blog.


Alexander Pruss is currently the Guinness World Record Holder for Greatest vertical distance climbed on a climbing wall in one hour.


Alexander Pruss completed his dissertation, Possible Worlds: What They Are and What They Are Good For, under Nicholas Rescher in 2001.


Alexander Pruss began teaching philosophy at Georgetown University in 2001, earning tenure in 2006.


Alexander Pruss is the director of graduate studies for the Baylor Philosophy Department.


Alexander Pruss has taught various courses, including graduate seminars on the philosophy of time, metaphysics, the cosmological and ontological arguments for the existence of God, modality, free will, and history of philosophy.


Alexander Pruss is a Roman Catholic and a member of the Society of Christian Philosophers.


Alexander Pruss defends the principle of sufficient reason, claiming that it is self-evident, and arguing that the rejection of PSR creates problems in epistemology, modality, ethics, and even evolutionary theory.