26 Facts About Alice Keppel


Alice Frederica Keppel was an aristocrat, British society hostess and a long-time mistress of King Edward VII.


Alice Keppel was the youngest child of Mary Elizabeth, nee Parsons, and Sir William Edmonstone, 4th Baronet.


Alice Keppel became one of the most prominent society hostesses of the Edwardian era.


Alice Keppel Frederica Edmonstone was born on 29 April 1868 in Woolwich Dockyard, Kent, to Mary Elizabeth, nee Parsons, and Sir William Edmonstone, 4th Baronet, who was serving as Superintendent at the Dockyard at the time.


Alice Keppel was the youngest of one brother and seven sisters, and while growing up she was closer to her brother Sir Archibald Edmonstone, 5th Baronet of Duntreath, than her sisters.


Alice Keppel grew up at Duntreath Castle, the home since the 14th century of the Edmonstone family, who were direct descendants of the Royal House of Stuart.


Alice Keppel was four years older than Alice and was serving as a soldier in the British Army at the time of their marriage.

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The Alice Keppel family had a history of service to the British monarchy as descendants of Arnold Joost van Alice Keppel, who had accompanied King William III to Britain in 1688 and been granted the title Earl of Albemarle in 1696.


George and Alice Keppel had two daughters: Violet Trefusis and Sonia Cubitt.


Alice Keppel began her first affair with Ernest Beckett, 2nd Baron Grimthorpe, and members of the Keppel family believed that Beckett was the biological father of Keppel's daughter Violet.


Alice Keppel had an affair with Humphrey Sturt, 2nd Baron Alington.


Alice Keppel became one of the best-known society hostesses of the Edwardian era.


Alice Keppel was described as being witty, kind and even-tempered.


Alice Keppel could have impersonated Britannia in a tableau vivant and done that lady credit.


Alice Keppel was hailed as one of the beauties of the "naughty nineties", described as having alabaster skin, large blue eyes, a small waist, chestnut hair and a large bust.


In 1898, the 29-year-old Alice Keppel met Edward, Prince of Wales, the 56-year-old heir apparent to the British throne.


Alice Keppel lived at 30 Portman Square, where Edward regularly visited her; her husband conveniently left during the visits.


Alice Keppel was one of the few people in Edward VII's circle who was able to smooth his mood swings.


Alice Keppel preferred Keppel to Edward's previous mistress, Daisy Greville, Countess of Warwick, whom she disliked for being indiscreet when she showed off her position.


Alice Keppel secured a good job for her husband which paid a higher salary.


Alice Keppel knew how to present a topic to him so that he would listen, even if sometimes he disagreed.


Alice Keppel's influence was founded on her discretion, social finesse, and conversational skill.


Alice Keppel's best known contribution to politics was her role as a Liberal hostess.


The new king and queen, George V and Mary of Teck, organised the court along more traditional lines, and Alice Keppel was not invited to attend.


Alice Keppel commissioned the architect Cecil Pinsent to lay out the villa terrace with bisecting paths, which she named a 'Union Jack garden'; and after her death her daughter Violet maintained the villa and its garden.

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In 1946, the Keppels returned to their palazzo in Italy, and a year later, on 11 September 1947, Alice died of cirrhosis of the liver.