24 Facts About Alice Sebold


Alice Sebold was born on September 6,1963 and is an American author.


Alice Sebold is known for her novels The Lovely Bones and The Almost Moon, and a memoir, Lucky.


Alice Sebold was exonerated in 2021, after a judge overturned the original conviction.


Alice Sebold grew up in the Paoli suburb of Philadelphia, where her father taught Spanish at the University of Pennsylvania.


Alice Sebold graduated from Great Valley High School in Malvern, Pennsylvania, in 1980.


Alice Sebold attended Syracuse University, where she earned her bachelor's degree.


Alice Sebold held several waitressing jobs while pursuing a writing career, but neither her poetry nor her attempts at writing a novel came to fruition.


Alice Sebold left New York for Southern California, where she became a caretaker of an artists' colony, earning $386 a month and living in a cabin in the woods without electricity.


Alice Sebold earned an MFA from the University of California, Irvine in 1998.


Alice Sebold reported the crime to campus security and the police, who took her statement and investigated, but could not identify any suspects.


Alice Sebold found herself struggling to finish it, and abandoned several other novels she had started.


Alice Sebold used the fictitious name "Gregory Madison" for Broadwater.


Alice Sebold wrote that the attack made her feel isolated from her family, and that for years afterwards, she experienced hypervigilance.


Alice Sebold resigned her night job, fearing danger in darkness.


Alice Sebold was depressed, suffered from nightmares, drank heavily and snorted heroin for three years.


Alice Sebold ultimately was fired from the project when he did not provide funding as he had originally agreed, and subsequently hired a private investigator to review the evidence against Broadwater.


The conviction had relied heavily on two pieces of evidence: Alice Sebold's testimony and microscopic hair analysis, a forensic technique the United States Department of Justice later found to be unreliable.


At the police lineup, which included Broadwater, Alice Sebold had identified a different person as her rapist.


Defense attorneys arguing for Broadwater's exoneration asserted that, after the lineup, the prosecutor lied to Alice Sebold, telling her that the man she had identified and Broadwater were friends, and that they both came to the lineup to confuse her.


Onondaga County District Attorney William J Fitzpatrick, who joined the motion to overturn the conviction, argued that suspect identification is prone to error, particularly when the suspect is a different race from the victim; Sebold is white and Broadwater is black.


Once Lucky was finished, Alice Sebold was able to complete her novel, Monsters.


Alice Sebold sent the manuscript to her mentor, Wilton Barnhardt, who passed it to his agent.


Alice Sebold uses the killing as the starting point from which to examine dysfunctional relationships between parents and their daughters.


In 2001, Alice Sebold married the novelist Glen David Gold; the couple divorced in 2012.