17 Facts About Alicia Bertone


Alicia L Bertone is an American academic, administrator, researcher, and veterinary surgeon.


Alicia Bertone is a professor and a provost in the Office of Academic Affairs at the Ohio State University.


Alicia Bertone is a Professor of Veterinary Clinical Sciences, and, as the Trueman Endowed Chair, established and directed the Comparative Orthopedic Research Laboratory at the University.


Alicia Bertone has published over 400 research papers, proceedings, and abstracts in the fields of biomedical science including gene therapy for the treatment of cartilage injury and bone repair.


Alicia Bertone designed and patented the first commercial equine microarray.


Alicia Bertone is board-certified in equine surgery and equine sports medicine and rehabilitation and is a member of university research initiatives such as the Consortium for the Advancement of Neuromusculoskeletal Science and Locomotion and the Center for Clinical and Translational Science.


Alicia Bertone started her initial education in the Fine Arts at the School of American Ballet in New York and later transitioned to the sciences.


In 2001, Alicia Bertone completed an NIH Fellowship at Harvard in Gene Therapy from the Center for Molecular Orthopaedics.


Alicia Bertone reached full Professor in 1997 and was appointed to the Trueman Family Endowed Chair for two consecutive terms in translation and interdisciplinary research.


Alicia Bertone has been appointed as an adjunct professor within the University's Department of Orthopedics in the College of Medicine for over 25 years.


Alicia Bertone served as an Orthopedic Surgeon at Galbreath Equine Center from 1990 till 2018.


Alicia Bertone studied the response of the joint after a repetitive injury and the rest period along with the physiological processes involved in the repairing of the damage.


Alicia Bertone conducted study to evaluate various synovial fluid cytokines and eicosanoids for the diagnosis of joint disease and categories of joint disease.


Alicia Bertone conducted randomized controlled clinical trials to compare efficacy of firocoxib and phenylbutazone paste formulations in horses with osteoarthritis, and found comparable efficacies of both drugs.


Alicia Bertone achieved the repair of articular fractures in vivo using direct stem cell injection transduced with BMP-2 the treatment was found to be insufficient to provide long-term quality osteochondral repair.


In late 2000s, Alicia Bertone published a paper regarding a study on Standardbred racehorses having moderate to severe midbody suspensory ligament desmitis.


Alicia Bertone found positive results regarding treatment by intralesional injection of a single dose of platelet-rich plasma, followed by gradual increase in exercise.