10 Facts About Allochiria


Allochiria is a neurological disorder in which the patient responds to stimuli presented to one side of their body as if the stimuli had been presented at the opposite side.

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Allochiria is often confused with alloesthesia, known as false allochiria.

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Allochiria has been observed mainly in the context of neglect which is usually due to a lesion that affects the right parietal lobe.

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Allochiria has been described as occurring in nerve lesions, Hemiplegia, disseminated sclerosis Multiple sclerosis, tabes dorsalis, unilateral injury to the spinal cord, Meniere's disease, hysteria, symmetrical gangrene, and in connection with touch, pain, the "muscle sense, " the temperature sense, sight, smell, taste, hearing, and the electrical reactions.

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Allochiria can occur in relation to any or every segment of the body.

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Allochiria is marked to have connections with a variety of senses and sometimes only certain kinds of stimuli can arouse the appropriate feeling of one sidedness.

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Allochiria is when a stimuli presented on one side is constantly referred to the corresponding point of the opposite side.

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Allochiria represents a psychical affection and the occurrence of any form of allochiria should be regarded as a positive indication of the presence of hysteria.

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Allochiria concludes that with a lesion on one posterior side, this would reach center in the corresponding hemisphere, and thus, the sensation is then referred by this hemisphere to the opposite side of the body.

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Allochiria occurs equally with unilateral and bilateral lesions as long as they are asymmetrical.

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