17 Facts About Alois Langer


Alois Langer studied electrical engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and completed his Ph.


In 1972, Alois Langer became the chief biomedical engineer at MedRad Inc and started work on the ICD project.


In 1990, Alois Langer founded Cardiac Telecom Corporation and engaged in the development and marketing of telephonic cardiac monitoring systems.


Alois A Langer, son of Westinghouse researcher and inventor named Alois Langer, was born and raised in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.


Alois Langer's father encouraged him to do something with his life that would work for the benefit of the people.


Alois Langer went study electrical engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology where he graduated in 1967.


In 1972 Alois Langer was hired by a company in Pittsburgh called Medrad Inc to work on the ICD project.


Alois Langer constructed both the miniature circuits on board as well as the mechanical packaging of the ICD.


One of the time consuming tasks that Alois Langer faced was the design of the electrode.


Alois Langer had to design a battery that would power the device for several years without failing or causing any immune response in the body.


Alois Langer was present in the operating room with the ICD device in hand; ready to be implanted into the first human.


Alois Langer was to test the device within the sterilized container just before it was to be implanted.


Luckily Alois Langer had brought duplicate for such incidents implanted this second copy successfully.


From this observation, Alois Langer got the idea for developing a patient worn device that would monitor the heart rhythm 24 hours a day and relay any trouble to medical staff.


In 1990 Alois Langer founded Cardiac Telecom Corporation in Greensburg, PA and started development on telephonic monitoring systems.


Alois Langer is credited as the inventor of this home cardiac monitoring service, referred to as Telemetry @ Home.


In 2002 Alois Langer was inducted into the National Inventor's Hall of Fame for his work on the ICD.