22 Facts About Anarchist economics


Anarchist economics is the set of theories and practices of economic activity within the political philosophy of anarchism.

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Anarchist economics thus saw private property as both essential to liberty and a road to tyranny, the former when it resulted from labour and was required for labour and the latter when it resulted in exploitation.

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Anarchist economics generally called the former "possession" and the latter "property".

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Anarchist economics became a member of the central committee of the anti-fascist militia, a member of the Catalan Economic Council and Economics Minister of the Catalan government.

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Anarchist economics says that "[i]t is state intervention that distinguishes capitalism from the free market".

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Anarchist economics strongly rejected Marx's concept of the "dictatorship of the proletariat", a concept that vanguardist socialism including Marxism–Leninism would use to justify one-party rule from above by a party claiming to represent the proletariat.

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Anarchist economics held that the state should be immediately abolished because all forms of government eventually lead to oppression.

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Anarchist economics FAQ compares and contrasts collectivist anarchism with communist anarchism this way:.

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Participatory Anarchist economics, often abbreviated parecon, is an economic system proposed by activist and political theorist Michael Albert and radical economist Robin Hahnel.

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Anarchist economics argued that capitalism dehumanized workers, "turning the producer into a mere particle of a machine, with less will and decision than his master of steel and iron".

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Anarchist economics feels that it is an attack on personal integrity that undermines individual freedom.

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Anarchist economics holds that workers should own and control their workplace.

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Anarchist economics believes that Tucker overlooked this issue due to Tucker's focus on individual market transactions whereas Carson focuses on organizational issues.

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Anarchist economics put his theories to the test by establishing an experimental "labor for labor store" called the Cincinnati Time Store at the corner of 5th and Elm Streets in what is downtown Cincinnati, where trade was facilitated by notes backed by a promise to perform labor: "All the goods offered for sale in Warren's store were offered at the same price the merchant himself had paid for them, plus a small surcharge, in the neighborhood of 4 to 7 percent, to cover store overhead".

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Anarchist economics outlined a view of the origins of the movement, what it sought and why it was important to the future of labor in his 1938 pamphlet Anarcho-Syndicalism.

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Anarchist economics urged "workers to form themselves into democratic societies, with equal conditions for all members, on pain of a relapse into feudalism".

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Participatory Anarchist economics represents a recent variation on the idea of workers' control.

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Anarchist economics economist Kevin Carson manifests that "[l]ocal currencies, barter networks and mutual credit-clearing systems are a solution to a basic problem: a world in which there is a lot of work to be done, but there is simply no money around to bring the people and the work together".

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Anarchist economics put his theories to the test by establishing an experimental "labor for labor store" called the Cincinnati Time Store where trade was facilitated by notes backed by a promise to perform labor.

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Anarchist economics mutualists argued that free banking should be taken back by the people to establish systems of free credit.

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Anarchist economics had an important influence on Benjamin Tucker, the editor of the anarchist journal Liberty.

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Anarchist economics collectives formed during the Spanish Civil War are the most famous example of an anarchist economy operating on a large scale.

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