37 Facts About Angelo Caroselli


Angelo Caroselli or Caroselli was an Italian painter of the Baroque period, active mainly in his native Rome.


Angelo Caroselli created religious works, allegories, portraits as well as genre scenes in the vein of the Caravaggisti.


Angelo Caroselli returned regularly to scenes of witchcraft and sorcery.


Angelo Caroselli's style is eclectic style and shows influences principally from Caravaggio and the painters of 'low-life' scenes active in Rome called the Bamboccianti.


Angelo Caroselli's work is characterised by its search for originality.


The work of Caroselli was influential on other Caravaggisti such as the Lucchese painter Pietro Paolini and the Dutch painter Dirck van Baburen.


Angelo Caroselli was active as an art restorer, copyist, and, possibly, forger.

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Angelo Caroselli's father was a reseller of second-hand gold and silver, a low-class activity in those days.


Angelo Caroselli grew up in a popular neighborhood of Rome.


Angelo Caroselli did not get a formal training but was self-taught.


Angelo Caroselli learned to paint by working as an art restorer and copyist.


Angelo Caroselli became very skilled at copying older masters such as Annibale Carracci, Titian and Caravaggio.


Passeri describes how Angelo Caroselli dressed in a very strict Stoic fashion, giving up all luxury.


Angelo Caroselli was likely a non-voting member until he became 30 years old under the rules introduced by Pope Paul V in 1605.


Angelo Caroselli was able to obtain important commissions including in the Chiesa Nuova.


Angelo Caroselli collaborated with the Caravaggist Giovanni Francesco Guerrieri during that artist's stay in Rome from 1615 to 1618.


In 1615 Angelo Caroselli married Maria Turca or Turcha, whose father was a Sicilian of Palermo who had lived in Rome for many years.


Passeri goes on to state that the family lived in dire straits as Angelo Caroselli did not get many commissions.


The family's single daughter and three sons Carlo, Angelo Caroselli and Francesco were all born in Naples.


Angelo Caroselli was notorious for his love for beautiful women and was often derelict in his marital duties towards his wife.


Angelo Caroselli was able to attract a number of pupils to his workshop.


Angelo Caroselli shared a studio with Pietro Paolini, a painter originally from Lucca who had come to Rome to study in 1619 when he was only 16 years old.


Angelo Caroselli was an important influence on the style of Paolini's work throughout his career.


Angelo Caroselli became a friend of Cardinal Lorenzo Magalotti and made a trip to Ferrara with Guercino.


Angelo Caroselli formed close relationships with Prospero Fagini, Giovanni Francesco Salernitano, a nobleman from Naples, and Giovanni Luca de Franchis, an aristocrat from Genoa.

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Angelo Caroselli was a frequent collaborator of Tassi who used him to paint the large figures in his landscapes.


Angelo Caroselli married in 1642 Brigitta Lauwers, the daughter of the Flemish landscape painter Balthasar Lauwers who resided and worked in Rome since the early 1600s.


Angelo Caroselli thus became the brother-in-law of the painters Filippo Lauri and Francesco Lauri.


Angelo Caroselli created religious works, allegorical paintings, portraits as well as such genre paintings with musicians and card players as were popular with the Caravaggisti.


Angelo Caroselli often depicted card players, musicians, prostitutes and other low life scenes of contemporary Rome.


Angelo Caroselli further showed in his oeuvre a fascination with witchcraft, necromancy and the magic arts.


Early interpreters of Caravaggio's style and themes such as Bartolomeo Manfredi proved an important influence on Angelo Caroselli's handling of the Caravaggist themes.


Angelo Caroselli's figures were generally less elegant and more earthly than those of Manfredi.


Van Baburen's Singing young man has many elements in common with Angelo Caroselli's Singing man in the pose of the singer holding a score, the fanciful costume with a medallion in the hat and the raised open hand, a feature that traditionally has been associated with the Dutch followers of Caravaggio.


Angelo Caroselli seems to have a preference for the subject of prostitutes and courtisans.


Giovanni Battista Passeri recounts that the Angelo Caroselli lived with Agostino Tassi so he could enjoy the favours of the courtesans who lived in his house.


Various art historians have posited that Angelo Caroselli was linked to the circles of the adepts of the secret sciences of magic, occultism and alchemy.