10 Facts About Angelo Cerica


Angelo Cerica was an Italian general and senator.


Angelo Cerica participated in World War I, attaining the rank of captain in October 1916.


Angelo Cerica served in the same capacity in Italian North Africa from July 1940 until February 1941.


Angelo Cerica was posted back to Italy, attained the rank of Divisional General on 22 June 1942 and was made commander of the 4th Carabinieri Podgora Detachment.


General Azolino Hazon, commander of the Carabinieri Corps, was killed in a bombing raid on 19 July 1943; Angelo Cerica was called to replace him, although he formally assumed his responsibilities only on 23 July.


Angelo Cerica had been approved by General Vittorio Ambrosio after the latter ascertained that Cerica would cooperate with the anti-Benito Mussolini faction, the members of which were planning to depose the Duce.


Angelo Cerica participated in their actions until the liberation of the area.


Angelo Cerica then commanded the military forces in Emilia-Romagna for a month, leaving his post in June 1945.


Angelo Cerica served as the President of the Supreme Military Court from May 1947 to September 1951.


Angelo Cerica was a Member of the Senate for the Christian Democracy Party in the First, Second and Third Legislatures of Parliament.