14 Facts About Angelo Pizzo


Angelo Pizzo is an American screenwriter and film producer, usually working on films based on a true story, and usually about athletics.


Angelo Pizzo graduated from University High School and Indiana University, where he received a bachelor's degree in political science.


Angelo Pizzo considered becoming a lawyer, but his father encouraged him to do something he loved.


Angelo Pizzo was an associate producer on the made-for-TV movies Father Figure and Blinded by the Light.


Angelo Pizzo has served on the boards of the Heartland Film Festival, Kinsey Institute, and New Harmony Writers' Project.


Angelo Pizzo lived in the Los Angeles area for about thirty years.


Angelo Pizzo and his second wife, Greta Lind, settled in Ojai, California but moved back to Bloomington in 2004 to raise their sons: Anthony, born in 1994, and Quinn, born in 1997.


Angelo Pizzo is an avid Indiana University basketball supporter and season ticket holder.


Angelo Pizzo was awarded Indiana's Governor's Arts Award in 1995.


In 2000 Angelo Pizzo was given an honorary doctorate from Franklin College.


Angelo Pizzo received Indiana University's Thomas Hart Benton Mural Medallion for Distinguished Achievement in 1996 and the school's College of Arts and Sciences Distinguished Alumni Award in 2010.


In 2013 Angelo Pizzo was inducted into the Indiana Basketball Hall of Fame.


Angelo Pizzo received the Hall's Silver Medal Award, given in recognition of contributions to Indiana high school basketball by someone other than a high school player or coach.


In 2016 Angelo Pizzo was inducted into the Monroe County Sports Hall of Fame and was given a TXMPA Impact Award from the Texas Motion Picture Alliance.