25 Facts About Anita Roddick


Dame Anita Lucia Roddick was a British businesswoman, human rights activist and environmental campaigner, best known as the founder of The Body Shop, now The Body Shop International Limited, a cosmetics company producing and retailing natural beauty products which shaped ethical consumerism.


Anita Roddick was one of the first to prohibit the use of ingredients tested on animals in some of its products and one of the first to promote fair trade with developing countries.


In 1990, Anita Roddick founded Children on the Edge, a charitable organisation which helps disadvantaged children in Eastern Europe, Africa and Asia.


Anita Roddick believed that business should offer a form of moral leadership, being a more powerful force in society than religion or government.


Anita Roddick helped raise international awareness and funds to aid in their appeals of flawed trials.


Anita Roddick opened the first Body Shop in 1976, with the goal of earning an income for herself and her two daughters while her husband was away in South America.


Anita Roddick wanted to provide quality skincare products in refillable containers and sample sizes, all marketed with truth rather than hype.


In 1997, Anita Roddick developed the Body Shop's most successful campaign ever, creating Ruby, the size 16 doll, who was thought to bear a passing resemblance to Barbie.


Anita Roddick addressed the issues directly in an interview with The Guardian.


Suppliers who had formerly worked with the Body Shop will in future have contracts with L'Oreal, and whilst working with the company 25 days a year Anita Roddick was able to have an input into decisions.


Anita Roddick was known for her campaigning work on environmental issues and was a member of the Demos think tank's advisory council.


In 1990 Anita Roddick founded Children on the Edge, in response to her visits to Romanian orphanages.


Anita Roddick created COTE to help manage the crisis of poor conditions in the overcrowded orphanages and worked to de-institutionalise the children over the course of their early life.


Anita Roddick helped raise international awareness of their case and funds to support appeals of their flawed convictions.


Anita Roddick encouraged equality and an end to the exploitation of workers and children in underdeveloped countries.


In 2004, Roddick was diagnosed with liver cirrhosis due to long-standing hepatitis C She did not reveal her illness until 14 February 2007.


Anita Roddick subsequently promoted the work of The Hepatitis C Trust, and campaigned to increase awareness of the disease.


On 30 August 2007, less than two weeks before her death, Anita Roddick was a special guest in an episode of the live television programme Doctor, Doctor broadcast on Channel 5 in the UK.


Anita Roddick discussed hepatitis C with the presenter and general practitioner, Mark Porter.


Anita Roddick explained that her hepatitis C was unexpectedly diagnosed in 2004, following a blood test that was part of a medical examination needed for a life insurance policy.


Anita Roddick reported that she had developed cirrhosis of the liver, and that her main symptoms were itching and poor concentration.


Anita Roddick briefly mentioned that medical treatment with interferon did not suit her.


Anita Roddick explained that she kept fit and active, and that she attended biannual out-patient hospital appointments in Southampton, as well as being under review by the liver transplant team at the Addenbrooke's Hospital in Cambridge.


Anita Roddick died of acute brain haemorrhage at about 6:30pm on 10 September 2007, after being admitted to St Richard's Hospital, Chichester the previous evening suffering from a severe headache.


Anita Roddick wrote and published several books related to her business:.