12 Facts About Anti-globalization movement


Anti-globalization movement or counter-globalization movement, is a social movement critical of economic globalization.

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Anti-globalization movement advocates urge that preservation of the natural environment, human rights and democratic institutions are likely to be placed at undue risk by globalization unless mandatory standards are attached to liberalization.

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Anti-globalization movement argues that the three latter ideal-typical visions can be categorized under the title of global justice movement.

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Some activists, notably David Graeber, see the Anti-globalization movement as opposed instead to neoliberalism or "corporate globalization".

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Anti-globalization movement argues that the term "anti-globalization" is a term coined by the media, and that radical activists are actually more in favor of globalization, in the sense of "effacement of borders and the free movement of people, possessions and ideas" than are the IMF or WTO.

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In India some intellectual references of the Anti-globalization movement can be found in the works of Vandana Shiva, an ecologist and feminist, who in her book Biopiracy documents the way that the natural capital of indigenous peoples and ecoregions is converted into forms of intellectual capital, which are then recognized as exclusive commercial property without sharing the private utility thus derived.

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Korten and Stiglitz's contribution to the Anti-globalization movement include involvement in direct actions and street protest.

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Despite, or perhaps because of, the lack of formal coordinating bodies, the Anti-globalization movement manages to successfully organize large protests on a global basis, using information technology to spread information and organize.

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Images of devastation bounced through the mass media, putting a negative shadow on the Anti-globalization movement, and increasing a sense of fear through common people.

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Global justice Anti-globalization movement has been quite successful in achieving some of its key aims, according to academic and global justice Anti-globalization movement activist David Graeber.

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One of the most common criticisms of the movement, which does not necessarily come from its opponents, is simply that the anti-globalization movement lacks coherent goals, and that the views of different protesters are often in opposition to each other.

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One argument often made by the opponents of the anti-globalization movement is that one of the major causes of poverty amongst third-world farmers are the trade barriers put up by rich nations and poor nations alike.

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