11 Facts About Antoine Arnauld


Antoine Arnauld was a French Catholic theologian, philosopher and mathematician.


Antoine Arnauld was one of the leading intellectuals of the Jansenist group of Port-Royal and had a very thorough knowledge of patristics.


Antoine Arnauld was born in Paris to the Arnauld family.


The twentieth and youngest child of the original Antoine Arnauld, he was originally intended for the bar, but decided instead to study theology at the Sorbonne.


Antoine Arnauld's book, De la frequente Communion, was an important step in making the aims and ideals of this movement intelligible to the general public.


The Jesuit Nicolas Caussin, former penitentiary to Louis XIII, was charged by his order of writing a defense against Antoine Arnauld's book, titled Reponse au libelle intitule La Theologie morale des Jesuites.


For more than twenty years Antoine Arnauld dared not appear publicly in Paris, hiding in religious retreat.


Antoine Arnauld now set to work with Pierre Nicole on a great work against the Calvinist Protestants: La perpetuite de la foi de l'Eglise catholique touchant l'eucharistie.


Antoine Arnauld was compelled to leave France for the Netherlands, finally settling down at Brussels.


Antoine Arnauld was one of the first to adopt the philosophy of Rene Descartes, though with certain orthodox reservations relating to Meditations on First Philosophy; and between 1683 and 1685 he had a long battle with Nicolas Malebranche on the relation of theology to metaphysics.


Antoine Arnauld came to be regarded as important among the mathematicians of his time; one critic described him as the Euclid of the 17th century.