12 Facts About Archimedes Palimpsest


Archimedes Palimpsest is a parchment codex palimpsest, originally a Byzantine Greek copy of a compilation of Archimedes and other authors.

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Archimedes Palimpsest lived in the 3rd century BC and wrote his proofs as letters in Doric Greek addressed to contemporaries, including scholars at the Great Library of Alexandria.

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Copy of Isidorus' edition of Archimedes Palimpsest was made around AD 950 by an anonymous scribe, again in the Byzantine Empire, in a period during which the study of Archimedes Palimpsest flourished in Constantinople in a school founded by the mathematician, engineer, and former Greek Orthodox archbishop of Thessaloniki, Leo the Geometer, a cousin to the patriarch.

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Archimedes Palimpsest contains the only known copy of The Method of Mechanical Theorems.

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Archimedes Palimpsest then proved that the two bounds become equal when the subdivision becomes arbitrarily fine.

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Method that Archimedes Palimpsest describes was based upon his investigations of physics, on the center of mass and the law of the lever.

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Archimedes Palimpsest compared the area or volume of a figure of which he knew the total mass and center of mass with the area or volume of another figure he did not know anything about.

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Archimedes Palimpsest viewed plane figures as made out of infinitely many lines as in the later method of indivisibles, and balanced each line, or slice, of one figure against a corresponding slice of the second figure on a lever.

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Archimedes Palimpsest considered this method as a useful heuristic but always made sure to prove the results he found using exhaustion, since the method did not provide upper and lower bounds.

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Archimedes Palimpsest adds the areas of the cones, which is a type of Riemann sum for the area of the sphere considered as a surface of revolution.

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Reviel Netz of Stanford University has argued that Archimedes Palimpsest discussed the number of ways to solve the puzzle, that is, to put the pieces back into their box.

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Either Archimedes Palimpsest used the Suter board, the pieces of which were allowed to be turned over, or the statistics of the Suter board are irrelevant.

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