18 Facts About Aryeh Levin


Aryeh Levin was an Orthodox rabbi dubbed the "Father of Prisoners" for his visits to members of the Jewish underground imprisoned in the Central Prison of Jerusalem in the Russian Compound during the British Mandate.


Aryeh Levin was known as the "Tzadik of Jerusalem" for his work on behalf of the poor and the sick.


Aryeh Levin was tutored by local teachers until the age of 12, and then left home to attend the great yeshivas of Slonim, Slutsk, Volozhin and Brisk.


Aryeh Levin accepted on the condition that he receive no pay.


Aryeh Levin would walk from his home in Nachlaot to visit the Jewish prisoners held in the Russian Compound on charges of arms possession or smuggling.


Aryeh Levin couldn't take us with him out into the free world, but he always brought the outside world in to us.


In 1965, Rabbi Aryeh Levin was honored at a ceremony organized by veteran underground resistance fighters in honor of his eightieth birthday.


Aryeh Levin was known for his visits to the sick, especially patients who had no family of their own.


Aryeh Levin would sit for hours near the beds of the sick, especially at Bikur Cholim hospital in Jerusalem.


Reb Aryeh Levin began this holy practice after he had found a woman weeping bitterly by the Western Wall.


Reb Aryeh Levin asked her what made her cry so intensely.


Aryeh Levin told him that her child had no cure, and was locked up in the leper hospital in Jerusalem.


Aryeh Levin immediately decided to visit the young child, and when he arrived, all the patients burst into tears.


Aryeh Levin treated everyone he met with love, respect, and dignity.


Aryeh Levin went to bed past midnight, after counseling couples who came to him.


In 1925, Rabbi Isser Zalman Meltzer was appointed to head the Etz Chaim Yeshiva and Aryeh Levin was made the Mashgiach.


Aryeh Levin was known for his love and affection to all his students, treating them as adults.


Aryeh Levin was told Reb Aryeh, the spiritual mentor of the institution, would decide whether he should be expelled.