18 Facts About ATL Covey-Crump


Commander Alwyn Thomas Lavender Covey-Crump was a British officer of the Royal Navy.

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ATL Covey-Crump served on various ships between 1927 and 1945, including HMS Vindictive, HMS Enterprise, HMS Duncan, HMS Faulkner, HMS Boscawen, HMS Ceylon and HMS Liverpool.

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ATL Covey-Crump was the second son of Reverend Canon Walter William Covey-Crump, and was married with one son.

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ATL Covey-Crump was born on 19 February 1907 in Stopsley, Bedfordshire.

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ATL Covey-Crump was the second son of Reverend Canon Walter William Covey-Crump; his mother was Hilda Sophia.

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ATL Covey-Crump's parents married on 11 June 1903 at Haddenham, when his father was by then using the name Covey as a given name.

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ATL Covey-Crump had two brothers: musician Lewis Charles Leslie, and Leo William Rolf, who served in the Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve in World War II.

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In 1938, ATL Covey-Crump married Joyce Blackstone at St James, Picadilly, London.

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ATL Covey-Crump died aged 84 on 19 May 1991 at St Albans, and was buried on 24 May.

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On 1 September 1925, aged 18, ATL Covey-Crump was appointed acting paymaster sub-lieutenant or paymaster midshipman.

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ATL Covey-Crump was appointed to HMS Duncan from 10 September 1935.

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On 11 August 1939, ATL Covey-Crump was appointed to the shore establishment HMS Boscawen.

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In 1946, ATL Covey-Crump was serving at HMS St George shore training establishment, finishing in January 1948.

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ATL Covey-Crump was appointed to HMS Liverpool from 15 March 1948 until at least August 1950.

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On 22 January 1950, while ATL Covey-Crump was serving in the Mediterranean under Vice Admiral Louis Mountbatten on HMS Liverpool, King Farouk visited the ship, and was presented with a special matchbox when lighting his cigar.

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ATL Covey-Crump was appointed registrar at the Royal Naval Barracks, Devonport the same year.

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ATL Covey-Crump privately published, within the Royal Navy, his first-edition typescript of Alphabetical Glossary of Naval Terms and Abbreviations on 17 May 1955.

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Jackspeak continues to evolve: ATL Covey-Crump's 1955 edition marks a moment in time, and there was an updated edition in 1967.

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