10 Facts About Attitude control


Attitude control is the process of controlling the orientation of an aerospace vehicle with respect to an inertial frame of reference or another entity such as the celestial sphere, certain fields, and nearby objects, etc.

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Attitude control is part of the description of how an object is placed in the space it occupies.

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Attitude control can be described using a variety of methods; however, the most common are Rotation matrices, Quaternions, and Euler angles.

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Attitude control cannot be measured directly by any single measurement, and so must be calculated from a set of measurements.

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Typically, the attitude control algorithms are part of the software running on the hardware, which receives commands from the ground and formats vehicle data telemetry for transmission to a ground station.

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Attitude control algorithms are written and implemented based on requirement for a particular attitude maneuver.

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The design of the control algorithm depends on the actuator to be used for the specific attitude maneuver although using a simple proportional–integral–derivative controller satisfies most control needs.

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Where is the control torque, is the attitude deviation signal, and are the PID controller parameters.

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The Attitude control law is based on the measurement of the rate of change of body-fixed magnetometer signals.

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The fuel efficiency of an attitude control system is determined by its specific impulse and the smallest torque impulse it can provide.

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