18 Facts About Augustin-Louis Cauchy


On Lagrange's advice, Augustin-Louis Cauchy was enrolled in the Ecole Centrale du Pantheon, the best secondary school of Paris at that time, in the fall of 1802.


In September 1812, now 23 years old, Augustin-Louis Cauchy returned to Paris after becoming ill from overwork.


Therefore, when his health improved in 1813, Augustin-Louis Cauchy chose to not return to Cherbourg.


Augustin-Louis Cauchy attempted admission to the First Class of the Institut de France but failed on three different occasions between 1813 and 1815.


The Academie des Sciences was re-established in March 1816; Lazare Carnot and Gaspard Monge were removed from this Academy for political reasons, and the king appointed Augustin-Louis Cauchy to take the place of one of them.


In 1816, this Bonapartist, non-religious school was reorganized, and several liberal professors were fired; the reactionary Augustin-Louis Cauchy was promoted to full professor.


In 1824 Louis XVIII died, and was succeeded by his even more reactionary brother Charles X During these years Cauchy was highly productive, and published one important mathematical treatise after another.


In 1831 Augustin-Louis Cauchy went to the Italian city of Turin, and after some time there, he accepted an offer from the King of Sardinia for a chair of theoretical physics, which was created especially for him.


In 1834, his wife and two daughters moved to Prague, and Augustin-Louis Cauchy was finally reunited with his family after four years in exile.


Augustin-Louis Cauchy returned to Paris and his position at the Academy of Sciences late in 1838.


In November 1839 Augustin-Louis Cauchy was elected to the Bureau, and discovered immediately that the matter of the oath was not so easily dispensed with.


The confounded membership of the Bureau lasted until the end of 1843, when Augustin-Louis Cauchy was finally replaced by Poinsot.


The contour integral is taken along the contour C The rudiments of this theorem can already be found in a paper that the 24-year-old Cauchy presented to the Academie des Sciences on August 11,1814.


In 1826 Augustin-Louis Cauchy gave a formal definition of a residue of a function.


In 1831, while in Turin, Augustin-Louis Cauchy submitted two papers to the Academy of Sciences of Turin.


Only in the 1840s the theory started to get response, with Pierre Alphonse Laurent being the first mathematician besides Augustin-Louis Cauchy to make a substantial contribution.


Gilain notes that when the portion of the curriculum devoted to Analyse Algebrique was reduced in 1825, Augustin-Louis Cauchy insisted on placing the topic of continuous functions at the beginning of the Differential Calculus.


Laugwitz and Benis-Sinaceur point out that Augustin-Louis Cauchy continued to use infinitesimals in his own research as late as 1853.