11 Facts About Bambang Harymurti


Bambang Harymurti, commonly referred to by his initials BHM, is an Indonesian journalist and editor-in-chief of Tempo.


Bambang Harymurti is currently serving as deputy chair of Indonesia's Press Council.


Bambang Harymurti has worked for Tempo, Time, and Media Indonesia.


Bambang Harymurti's journalism has won awards including the 1997 "Excellence in Journalism" award from the Indonesian Observer Daily and the 2006 PWI Jawa Timur Pena Award.


Bambang Harymurti served as the head of Tempos offices in Washington, DCfrom 1991 to 1994.


On 9 June 1997, Bambang Harymurti was suspended from his job as executive editor of Media Indonesia for two weeks.


Bambang Harymurti stated that the suspension was for "not following orders" and forgetting to inform the head editor of Media Indonesias Sunday Edition that the cover story should have been changed to an article about then-President Suharto's birthday.


Bambang Harymurti became chief editor of Tempo in 1999, replacing co-founder Goenawan Mohamad.


On 16 September 2004, Bambang Harymurti was found guilty of "defamation and false reporting" and sentenced to a year in prison, while Taufik and Ali were exonerated.


Bambang Harymurti welcomed the decision as "not a personal victory but a victory for all Indonesian journalists".


Bambang Harymurti is currently serving as the deputy chair of Indonesia's Press Council.