21 Facts About Barbara Lawton


Barbara Lawton was born on July 5,1951 and is an American businesswoman and politician from Green Bay, Wisconsin who is the President and CEO of Americans for Campaign Reform.


Barbara Lawton became the first woman elected to the position in 2002, as the running mate of former Democratic Governor Jim Doyle.


Barbara Lawton was co-founder and Director of External Affairs for Issue One, a nonprofit whose goal is to reduce the influence of money in politics.


Barbara Lawton Smith grew up in southeastern Wisconsin, first in Hales Corners and then on a farm near Waterford.


Barbara Lawton has an Honorary Doctorate of Law from Lawrence University and an Honorary Doctorate of Fine Arts from the Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design.


Barbara Lawton was a founding member of the Latinos Unidos and the Green Bay Area Multicultural Center.


Barbara Lawton served on the Entrepreneurs of Color Advisory Board, winning their first Founders' Award.

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Barbara Lawton served on the Northeast Wisconsin Technical College Foundation Board.


Barbara and Cal Lawton have two children, Joseph and Amanda, and four grandchildren: Bella, Molly, James, and Max.


Professionally, Barbara Lawton worked as an international business consultant, helping businesses export their products to the Southern Cone of South America and providing cultural training.


The Barbara Lawton family lived for a time in Oaxaca, Mexico and Santiago, Chile.


Barbara Lawton ran unsuccessfully for the Wisconsin State Senate in 1992.


Barbara Lawton was a commissioner on the 1997 "Citizens Panel on a Clean Elections Option" that was formed due to the "growing perception of corruption" within the political system.


Barbara Lawton has worked on clean energy policy, stem cell research and affordable higher education.


In 2007, Barbara Lawton authored and passed the Energy Independence and Climate Protection Resolution at the National Lieutenant Governors Association.


Barbara Lawton was unanimously elected Chairwoman of the National Lieutenant Governor's Association at their 2008 annual meeting in Buffalo, NY.


Barbara Lawton served as the vice-chair of the NLGA in 2007.


In September 2008, as Chairwoman of the NLGA, Barbara Lawton had traveled on a mission to China along with Lt.


Barbara Lawton reached an agreement for the two Universities to form an exploratory commission to create a Global Manufacturing Institute.


On January 6,2014 Barbara Lawton was named the President and CEO of Americans for Campaign Reform, an advocacy organization based in Washington DC chaired by former Senators Bill Bradley, Bob Kerrey, and Alan Simpson.


Barbara Lawton co-chaired Hillary Clinton's Wisconsin campaign during the 2008 Democratic presidential primary.