25 Facts About Ben Klassen


Ben Klassen founded the Church of the Creator with the publication of his book Nature's Eternal Religion in 1973.


At one point, Ben Klassen was a Republican Florida state legislator, as well as a supporter of George Wallace's presidential campaign.


Ben Klassen was a natural hygienist who opposed the germ theory of disease as well as conventional medicine and promoted a fruitarian, raw food diet.


Ben Klassen was born on February 20,1918, in Rudnerweide, Ukraine, to Bernhard and Susanna Ben Klassen a Ukrainian Mennonite Christian couple.


When Ben Klassen was nine months old, he caught typhoid fever and nearly died.


Ben Klassen hired several salesmen, including Merle Peek, who convinced him to buy large land development projects in Nevada.


Ben Klassen and Peek started a partnership called the Silver Springs Land Company, through which they founded the town of Silver Springs, Nevada.


In 1952, Ben Klassen sold his share of the company to Phillip Hess for $150,000 and retired.


On March 26,1956, Ben Klassen filed an application with the US Patent Office to patent a wall-mounted, electric can opener which he marketed as Canolectric.


Ben Klassen campaigned for election to the Florida Senate in 1967, but was defeated.


Ben Klassen was a member of the John Birch Society, at one point operating an American Opinion bookstore, but became disillusioned with the Society because of what he viewed as its tolerant position towards Jews.


Less than a year after he created the Nationalist White Party, Ben Klassen began expressing apprehension about Christianity to his connections through letters.


In 1973, Ben Klassen founded the Church of the Creator with the publication of Nature's Eternal Religion.


In 1982, Ben Klassen established the headquarters of his church in Otto, North Carolina.


Ben Klassen self-appointed himself Pontifex Maximus of the church until January 25,1993, when he transferred the title to Dr Rick McCarty.


Ben Klassen first popularized the term "Racial Holy War" within the white nationalist movement.


Ben Klassen consistently called black people "niggers" in public discourse as well as in the literature of the COTC, as opposed to many white nationalist leaders who use relatively more polite terms in public.


Ben Klassen was a natural hygienist who promoted a back to nature philosophy that espoused fresh air, clean water, sunshine and outdoor exercise.


Ben Klassen recommended a raw food diet which consisted of fruits and vegetables and believed that medicine and processed foods create cancer inside the body.


Ben Klassen believed that fasting would cleanse the body of toxins, and he believed that a fruitarian raw food diet would cure disease.


Ben Klassen rejected the germ theory of disease and believed that modern medicine was a Jewish multi-billion-dollar fraud.


Ben Klassen contributed an introduction and a chapter on eugenics to Arnold DeVries' book Salubrious Living.


Ben Klassen firmly opposed religion because he believed it was superstitious, and he described Christianity as a "Jewish creation" which was designed to unhinge white people by promoting a "completely perverted attitude" about life and nature.


Ben Klassen argued that man's morality and sense of purpose is based on the laws of nature and racial loyalty.


Ben Klassen believed that the white race was the sole builder of civilization and all of the advanced civilizations which existed in antiquity were created by white people but they were destroyed because they practiced miscegenation.