12 Facts About Beth Elliott


Beth Elliott was born on 1950 and is an American trans lesbian folk singer, activist, and writer.

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Beth Elliott became a controversial figure when members of these groups felt she did not qualify as a woman and rejected her inclusion.

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Beth Elliott continued her involvement in the women's movement and helped to create the West Coast Lesbian Conference which took place in April 1973.

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Beth Elliott was on the organization committee and was asked to perform as a singer in the conference's entertainment program.

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Lesbian separatist group, The Gutter Dykes, had leafleted in protest of Beth Elliott's presence, claiming she was a man, and approached the stage with hostility.

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Beth Elliott gave a brief performance and went on to leave the conference.

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Beth Elliott was left ostracized from much of the women's and lesbian community due to the controversial division emerging among feminists.

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Additionally, Beth Elliott is the author of several books published by ENC Press.

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Beth Elliott reprised the book in 2011, adding a new introduction and afterword as well as a chapter recounting of her experience at the West Coast Lesbian Conference.

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Beth Elliott is the author of the science fiction novel, Don't Call it “Virtual” published in 2003.

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Beth Elliott has been involved in political work in support of gay rights and co-founded the Alice B Toklas LGBT Club.

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Beth Elliott has been a folk musician since the late 1960s and was active in the Haight-Ashbury hippie music scene in the 1970s.

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