11 Facts About Billie Hayes


Billie Armstrong Brosch, known professionally as Billie Hayes, was an American television, film, and stage actress, best known for her comic portrayals of Witchiepoo and Li'l Abner's Mammy Yokum.


Billie Hayes's father was from Germany, and was a coal miner who headed the local miners' union.


Billie Hayes's mother was from Illinois, and worked in administration relief.


Billie Hayes started working professionally in entertainment at the age of nine, tap dancing in local theatres.


Billie Hayes reprised this role in another Sid and Marty Krofft program Lidsville, in The Paul Lynde Halloween Special, and in the second season of The Banana Splits Adventure Hour.


Billie Hayes portrayed a similar character in another television role as the gingerbread-house witch in Season 8, Episode 10 of Bewitched.


Billie Hayes played Mammy Pansy Yokum in the Li'l Abner 1956 Broadway musical, the 1959 film version, and a 1971 television special.

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Billie Hayes made television appearances on Murder, She Wrote, on the soap opera General Hospital as Robert Scorpio's mentor O'Reilly in 1981 and 1985, and in the role of Maw Weskitt in Episode 39 of the second season of The Monkees.


Billie Hayes was the president of the animal rescue organization Pet Hope, which she founded in 1984 to care for and find homes for abandoned animals.


On her personal website, Billie Hayes offered autographed photos for donations to Pet Hope.


Billie Hayes died of natural causes at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, California, on April 29,2021, at the age of 96.