12 Facts About Bradley Horowitz


Bradley Joseph Horowitz is an American entrepreneur and internet executive.


Bradley Horowitz pursued his graduate studies at the MIT Media Lab, in the Vision and Modeling Group, under Professor Sandy Pentland.


Bradley Horowitz received a master of science in Media Arts and Sciences in 1991, and subsequently entered the PhD program.


Bradley Horowitz dropped out of the PhD program in 1993 to co-found Virage.


Bradley Horowitz has published numerous refereed papers in academic journals, including work on recovery of non-rigid structure from motion and fractal image compression, and has been awarded more than a dozen patents.


Bradley Horowitz joined Yahoo in 2004 as Director of Media Search.


Bradley Horowitz is known for sponsoring numerous "Web 2.0" acquisitions into Yahoo, including Flickr, MyBlogLog and Jumpcut.


Bradley Horowitz left Yahoo and joined Google in 2008 as vice president of product for consumer applications, eventually leading the product management organizations for Gmail, Google Docs, Calendar, Google Talk, Google Voice, Picasa, Orkut and Blogger.


Bradley Horowitz serves on the Visiting Committee of the MIT Media Lab.


Bradley Horowitz was CTO and a co-founder of Virage, Inc Virage technology "watched, read and listened to raw video," extracting metadata that allowed for detailed semantic-based indexing of the video content.


Bradley Horowitz acquired half a dozen patents in the field of media analysis and indexing while at Virage.


Bradley Horowitz is married to designer Irene Au, who has held executive roles with Netscape, Yahoo, Google and Udacity.