Consequently, Carcassonne relies heavily on tourism but counts manufacturing and winemaking as some of its other key economic sectors.
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Consequently, Carcassonne relies heavily on tourism but counts manufacturing and winemaking as some of its other key economic sectors.
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Carcassonne became strategically identified when the Romans fortified the hilltop around 100 BC and eventually made it the colonia of Julia Carsaco, later Carcaso, later Carcasum .
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In 1067, Carcassonne became the property of Raimond-Bernard Trencavel, viscount of Albi and Nimes, through his marriage with Ermengard, sister of the last count of Carcassonne.
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Carcassonne became famous for its role in the Albigensian Crusades when the city was a stronghold of Occitan Cathars.
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The people of Carcassonne were allowed to leave—in effect, expelled from their city with nothing more than the shirt on their backs.
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Carcassonne was the first fortress to use hoardings in times of siege.
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Carcassonne was demilitarised under Napoleon Bonaparte and the Restoration, and the fortified cite of Carcassonne fell into such disrepair that the French government decided that it should be demolished.
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Yet, overall, Viollet-le-Duc's achievement at Carcassonne is agreed to be a work of genius, though not of the strictest authenticity.
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In July 2021, Carcassonne was the finish city for stage 13, and the starting point of stage 14, of the 2021 Tour de France.
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Carcassonne was the finish city for stage 15, and the starting point of stage 16, of the 2018 Tour de France.
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