15 Facts About Charcoal


Charcoal is a lightweight black carbon residue produced by strongly heating wood in minimal oxygen to remove all water and volatile constituents.

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Charcoal contains varying amounts of hydrogen and oxygen as well as ash and other impurities that, together with the structure, determine the properties.

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Charcoal has been used since earliest times for a large range of purposes including art and medicine, but by far its most important use has been as a metallurgical fuel.

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Charcoal is the traditional fuel of a blacksmith's forge and other applications where an intense heat is required.

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Charcoal was used historically as a source of black pigment by grinding it up.

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Charcoal has been used for the production of iron since Roman times and steel in modern times where it provided the necessary carbon.

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Charcoal can be used to reduce super heated steam to hydrogen :.

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Charcoal is used in the production of black powder, which is used extensively in the production of fireworks.

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Charcoal is used in art for drawing, making rough sketches in painting and is one of the possible media for making a parsemage.

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Charcoal is mixed with feed, added to litter, or used in the treatment of the manure.

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Charcoal was consumed in the past as dietary supplement for gastric problems in the form of charcoal biscuits.

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Charcoal has been used in combination with saccharin in research to measure mucociliary transport time.

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Charcoal has been incorporated in toothpaste formulas; however, there is no evidence to determine its safety and effectiveness.

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Charcoal production is usually illegal and nearly always unregulated as in Brazil where charcoal production is a large illegal industry for making pig iron.

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Antonin Dvorak's opera King and Charcoal Burner is based on a Czech legend about a king who gets lost in a forest and is rescued by a charcoal burner.

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