23 Facts About Charles Borromeo


Charles Borromeo was the Archbishop of Milan from 1564 to 1584 and a cardinal of the Catholic Church.


Charles Borromeo was a leading figure of the Counter-Reformation combat against the Protestant Reformation together with Ignatius of Loyola and Philip Neri.


Borromeo was a descendant of nobility; the Borromeo family was one of the most ancient and wealthy in Lombardy, made famous by several notable men, both in the church and state.


Charles Borromeo's mother Margaret was a member of the Milan branch of the House of Medici.


Charles Borromeo received the tonsure when he was about twelve years old.


Charles Borromeo made plain to his father that all revenues from the abbey beyond what was required to prepare him for a career in the church belonged to the poor and could not be applied to secular use.


Charles Borromeo was brought into the government of the Papal States and appointed a supervisor of the Franciscans, Carmelites and Knights of Malta.

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Charles Borromeo had a large share in the making of the Tridentine Catechism.


In 1561, Charles Borromeo founded and endowed a college at Pavia, today known as Almo Collegio Charles Borromeo, which he dedicated to Justina of Padua.


Charles Borromeo's family urged Borromeo to seek permission to return to the lay state, to marry and have children so that the family name would not become extinct, but he decided not to leave the ecclesiastic state.


Charles Borromeo then reached an agreement with Alessandro Farnese, who held a significant number of votes, to support Antonio Ghislieri, who was rumored to have the support of Philip II of Spain.


Charles Borromeo made numerous pastoral visits and restored dignity to divine service.


Charles Borromeo urged churches to be designed in conformity with the decrees of the Council of Trent, which stated that sacred art and architecture lacking adequate scriptural foundation was in effect prohibited, as was any inclusion of classical pagan elements in religious art.


Charles Borromeo extended his reforms to the collegiate churches, monasteries and even to the Confraternities of Penitents, particularly that of St John the Baptist.


Charles Borromeo believed that abuses in the church arose from ignorant clergy.


Charles Borromeo called together the superiors of all the religious communities in the diocese and won their cooperation.


Charles Borromeo used up his own funds and went into debt to provide food for the hungry.


Charles Borromeo had been involved in English affairs when he assisted Pius IV.


Charles Borromeo began in the Mesoleina Valley; here not only was their heresy to be fought, but witchcraft and sorcery, and at Roveredo it was discovered that "the provost or rector, was the foremost in sorceries".


Charles Borromeo is the patron saint of bishops, catechists and seminarians.


Charles Borromeo's emblem is the Latin word humilitas, which is a portion of the Charles Borromeo shield.


Charles Borromeo is usually represented in art in his robes, barefoot, carrying the cross as archbishop, a rope around his neck, one hand raised in blessing, thus recalling his work during the plague.


Charles Borromeo' biography was originally written by three of his contemporaries: Agostino Valerio and Carlo Bascape, who wrote their contributions in Latin, and Pietro Giussanno, who wrote his in Italian.