21 Facts About Charles XIII


Charles XIII was the second son of King Adolf Frederick of Sweden and Louisa Ulrika of Prussia, sister of Frederick the Great.


Prince Charles was placed under the tutelage of Hedvig Elisabet Stromfelt and then Ulrica Schonstrom.


Charles XIII was appointed grand admiral when he was but few days old.


Charles XIII was described as a good dancer at the amateur theatre of the royal court.


Charles XIII was his father's favorite, and similar to him in personality.


Charles XIII was described as close to his brother Gustav during their childhood.


Charles XIII was given the task of using his connections in the Caps party to neutralize it and secure the southern provinces by use of the military, tasks he performed successfully and for which the king rewarded him with the title Duke of Sodermanland.


Charles XIII unsuccessfully courted Magdalena Rudenschold, and her refusal of his advances has been pointed out as the cause of the harsh treatment he exposed her to as regent during the Armfelt conspiracy.


Charles XIII was reportedly a client of the fortune teller Ulrica Arfvidsson, and he favored the medium Henrik Gustaf Ulfvenklou.


Duke Charles XIII was given several political tasks during his tenure as a duke.


Charles XIII's ideal was the Swedish Constitution of 1772, which she saw as a good tool for an enlightened aristocracy, and the war and the Union and Security Act had made her a leading part of the opposition.


Charles XIII cooperated with Prince Frederick Adolf of Sweden and Gustaf Adolf Reuterholm.


The plan was to force Charles XIII to act as a symbol of the opposition to the Union and Security Act when the time was right.


Charles XIII was in close connection to the opposition against Gustav III, and it is debated whether he knew of and supported the plans to assassinate the king.


In 1808, Charles XIII was again chief commander during Gustav IV Adolf's stay in Finland.


Charles XIII is presumed to have been, if not involved, aware of the plans to depose Gustav IV Adolf in 1809.


Charles XIII kept passive during the Coup of 1809, and accepted the post of regent from the victorious party after having assured himself that the deposed monarch was not in mortal danger.


Charles XIII was initially not willing to accept the crown out of consideration for the former king's son.


Charles XIII's incapacity triggered a search for a suitable heir.


Charles XIII's condition deteriorated every year, especially after 1812, and he eventually became but a mute witness during the government councils chaired by the crown prince, having lost his memory and no longer being able to communicate.


Charles XIII was the 872nd Knight of the Order of the Golden Fleece in Spain.