18 Facts About Charlie Brown


Charles "Charlie" Brown is the principal character of the comic strip Peanuts, syndicated in daily and Sunday newspapers in numerous countries all over the world.

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Charlie Brown is characterized as a person who frequently suffers, and as a result, is usually nervous and lacks self-confidence.

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Charlie Brown is easily recognized by his trademark zigzag patterned shirt.

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Charlie Brown's age is neither normally specified nor consistently given.

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The strip features Charlie Brown walking by, as two other children named Shermy and Patty look at him.

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Charlie Brown was something of a smart-aleck and frequently played pranks and jokes on the other characters.

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Later, Schroeder and Charlie Brown were portrayed as being about the same age, and Schroeder became Charlie Brown's closest friend after Linus Van Pelt.

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In early 1959, Charlie Brown made his first animated appearances after they were sponsored by the Ford Motor Company in commercials for its automobiles, as well as for intros to The Tennessee Ernie Ford Show.

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Charlie Brown went on to feature in fourteen more television specials, two of which are musicals .

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Fittingly, Charlie Brown was the only character to appear in both the first strip in 1950 and the last in 2000.

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Charlie Brown is a shy, meek, kind, innocent, gentle-hearted character with many anxieties.

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Charlie Brown is normally referred to by his full name and his usual catchphrase is "good grief".

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Charlie Brown cares very deeply for his family and friends, even if he was maltreated by them.

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When Charlie Brown was maltreated by his companions, he does not usually take out his anger on them, but often retaliates and even manages to turn the tables.

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Charlie Brown is optimistic enough to think he can earn a sense of self-worth, and his willingness to do so by exposing himself to humiliations is the dramatic engine that drives the strip.

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The greatest of Charlie Brown's virtues is his resilience, which is to say his courage.

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Charlie Brown was inducted into the Baseball Reliquary's Shrine of the Eternals in 2017.

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Charlie Brown was the first fictional character inducted to the Shrine.

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