12 Facts About Chester Barnard


Chester Irving Barnard was an American business executive, public administrator, and the author of pioneering work in management theory and organizational studies.


Chester Barnard did not obtain his Harvard BA because he did his four-year work in three years and could not complete a science course, but a number of universities later granted him honorary doctorates.


Chester Barnard joined the American Telephone and Telegraph Company in 1909.


Chester Barnard was elected a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 1939 and the American Philosophical Society in 1943.


Chester Barnard viewed organizations as systems of cooperation of human activity, and noted that they are typically short-lived.


In contrast, Chester Barnard's meaning of organizational efficiency differed substantially from the conventional use of the word.


Chester Barnard defined efficiency of an organization as the degree to which that organization is able to satisfy the motives of the individuals.


Chester Barnard was a great admirer of Talcott Parsons and he and Parsons corresponded persistently.


Chester Barnard formulated two interesting theories: one of authority and the other of incentives.


Chester Barnard's perspective had affinities to that of Mary Parker Follett and was very unusual for his time, and that has remained the case down to the present day.


Chester Barnard seemed to argue that managers should obtain authority by treating subordinates with respect and competence.


Chester Barnard gives great importance to persuasion, much more than to economic incentives.