14 Facts About Chiang Wei-shui


Chiang Wei-shui was a Taiwanese physician and activist.


Chiang Wei-shui was a founding member of the Taiwanese Cultural Association and the Taiwanese People's Party.


Chiang Wei-shui is seen as one of the most important figures in Taiwan's resistance movement against Japanese rule.


Chiang Wei-shui once wrote a short essay on Taiwan called Certificate of Bedside Diagnosis or Certificate of Clinical Diagnosis about how the patient suffered from severe culture malnutrition.


Chiang Wei-shui was imprisoned for four months in 1923 and again in 1925 for his opposition to the Japanese colonial government.


Chiang Wei-shui went on to help found the Taiwanese People's Party on a platform of unity.


Chiang Wei-shui was involved with the League of Taiwanese Laborers and the Taiwan Peasant's Union.


Chiang Wei-shui came under criticism from rightists in the government.


Chiang Wei-shui died of typhoid that same year, at the age of 40.


Chiang Wei-shui's grave was located in Taipei Public Cemetery No 6, on Chongde St, near Liuzhangli Station, until October 2015, when his remains were moved to Cherry Blossom Cemetery in Yilan.


Chiang Wei-shui Wei-chuan continued advocating for democratization in the wake of his elder brother's death.


The younger Chiang Wei-shui was elected to the Taipei City Council in the 1939 local elections held under Japanese rule, joined the Kuomintang upon their arrival in Taiwan, and, after the February 28 incident of 1947, dedicated himself to negotiating with the Chen Yi-led government on the behalf of the people.


In 1949, Chiang Wei-shui Wei-chuan was appointed leader of the Department of Civil Affairs, and in 1950 became deputy interior minister.


Chiang Wei-shui was featured on a commemorative 10 New Taiwan Dollar coin in 2010.