18 Facts About Chris Bachalo


Chris Bachalo was born on August 23,1965 and is a Canadian comic book illustrator known for his quirky, cartoon-like style.


Chris Bachalo became well known for stints on DC Comics' Shade, the Changing Man and Neil Gaiman's two Death series.


Chris Bachalo was born in Canada but was raised in Southern California.


Chris Bachalo has told interviewers that, as a child, he wanted to be a carpenter until he discovered he was allergic to dust.


Chris Bachalo attended the California State University at Long Beach, where he majored in graphic art and illustrated a few underground comics.


Chris Bachalo did not shy away from detailed landscapes but showed a rare penchant for pages with many small panels.


Chris Bachalo then illustrated the first three issues of Ghost Rider 2099, one of in a line of series reinventing popular Marvel characters in the year 2099.


The group Lobdell and Chris Bachalo created, Generation X, was purposely bizarre and idiosyncratic because the two wanted to avoid the recent trend in superhero teams, where each team member represented a recognizable stock character.


Chris Bachalo illustrated the series through much of its first three years, taking a break in late 1995 and early 1996 to illustrate the second Death miniseries, Death: The Time of Your Life.


Heavily influenced by Joe Madureira, Chris Bachalo's characters became more cartoony and manga-like, with large eyes, heads and hands.


Chris Bachalo gravitated towards extremes in anatomy, drawing characters that were previously portrayed as bulky, short, or thin as even more so.


In 1997, Chris Bachalo left Generation X for Uncanny X-Men, arguably the comic book industry's most popular title, remaining until the end of 1998.


In 2000, Chris Bachalo launched Steampunk, a comic book series inspired by the genre of fiction of the same name, which emulates early science fiction and in an alternate version of the early 1900s.


Chris Bachalo was the artist on Captain America for 6 issues pencilling a divisive run written by Robert Morales.


From 2006 to 2008, Chris Bachalo was the artist for the X-Men title along with new writer Mike Carey after completing his final story arc for Uncanny X-Men.


Chris Bachalo was often filled-in for by artist Humberto Ramos, however.


Chris Bachalo has pencilled a number of cards for the Vs collectible card game.


Chris Bachalo has been one of the four artists who was originally part of the Spider-Man Relaunch.