14 Facts About Christopher Tunnard


Arthur Coney Tunnard, later known as Christopher Tunnard, was a Canadian-born landscape architect, garden designer, city-planner, and author of Gardens in the Modern Landscape.


Christopher Tunnard then embarked on a European tour, becoming interested in avant-garde art and architecture.


Christopher Tunnard wrote a series of articles for the Architectural Review, later re-published as a manifesto, Gardens in the Modern Landscape.


Christopher Tunnard was drafted into the Royal Canadian Air Force in 1943 and after the war took a job teaching city planning at Yale.


In describing the gardens surrounding the building, Christopher Tunnard refers to them as to being in perfect harmony.


Christopher Tunnard came to England in a period when garden design was strongly influenced by the work of Edwin Lutyens, Gertrude Jekyll and Mackay Hugh Baillie Scott.


Christopher Tunnard viewed this as "romantic trivialisation" of garden design and in reaction spearheaded a Modernist approach to landscape design, which he expressed in the polemical Gardens in the Modern Landscape.

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Christopher Tunnard's approach avoided decoration, sentimentality and classical allusion in favour of functional minimalist designs.


Christopher Tunnard's writings influenced a further generation of designers such as Thomas Dolliver Church.


Christopher Tunnard described the book as "if you can take the jolts you will be pleasantly introduced to the brave new world of landscape," referring the jolts as this challenge to current conventions.


Later, with Christopher Tunnard, Halprin produced an issue of Task magazine.


Christopher Tunnard cites the Swedish Garden Architect's Associations' paper as describing this new garden as.


Christopher Tunnard taught at Yale University for city planning, became more focused on preserving historic buildings, and wrote many books on urban planning.


Eckbo stated that landscape architecture lost a great man when Christopher Tunnard went into city planning.