14 Facts About Clifford Tabin


Clifford James Tabin was born on 1954 and is chairman of the Department of Genetics at Harvard Medical School.


Clifford Tabin went on to graduate school at Massachusetts Institute of Technology and was awarded a PhD in 1984 for work on the regulation of gene expression in the Ras subfamily of oncogenes supervised by Robert Weinberg based in the MIT Department of Biology.


In Weinberg's lab, Clifford Tabin constructed murine leukemia virus, the first recombinant retrovirus that could be used as a eukaryotic vector.


Clifford Tabin was appointed to the faculty in the Department of Genetics at Harvard Medical School in 1989, and promoted to full professor in 1997 and chairman of the department in January 2007.


Previously Clifford Tabin has worked on retroviruses, homeobox genes, oncogenes, developmental biology and evolution.


Clifford Tabin was elected a Foreign Member of the Royal Society in 2014.


Clifford Tabin has made fundamental discoveries on embryonic development and evolution.

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Clifford Tabin clarified how morphogens like Shh orchestrate formation of the embryo, elucidating why the heart is located on the left and not the right side of the body and explaining why the thumb is different from the little finger.


Clifford Tabin has solved important evolutionary riddles including the causes of variations in beak shape in Darwin's finches.


Clifford Tabin was elected a member of the National Academy of Sciences in 2007 and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 2000.


Clifford Tabin was elected a Member of the American Philosophical Society in 2019.


Clifford Tabin is the son of Julius Clifford Tabin, a nuclear physicist who worked with Enrico Fermi on the Manhattan Project in Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico during World War II.


Clifford Tabin has a brother, Geoff Tabin, and two children.


Clifford Tabin appears as himself in a BBC Horizon programme titled Hopeful Monsters.