10 Facts About Columbina


Columbina is a stock character in the commedia dell'arte.

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Columbina is Harlequin's mistress, a comic servant playing the tricky slave type, and wife of Pierrot.

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Columbina was very down to earth and could always see the situation for what it actually was.

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Columbina was very infrequently without something to say to or about someone.

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Columbina is dressed in a very short ragged and patched dress, appropriate to a master of the arts.

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Columbina was known to wear heavy makeup around her eyes and carry a tambourine, which she could use to fend off the amorous advances of Pantalone.

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Columbina was sometimes chased after by Arlecchino or was close friends with him.

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Columbina was often the only functional intellect on the stage.

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Columbina is sometimes the lover of Harlequin, but not always.

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Columbina is even referenced in a performance by Angelo Costantini of his show Une Vie de Scaramouche, which refers to the writer and poet.

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