10 Facts About Cordova Tennessee


The remainder of Cordova Tennessee is in unincorporated Shelby County, within the Memphis Annexation Reserve area.

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The boundaries of the Cordova Tennessee community are inexact, but are generally regarded as the Wolf River on the south, Whitten Road on the west, Interstate 40 on the north, and Pisgah Road on the east.

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The Old Cordova Tennessee Area is centered on Macon and Sanga Roads, 3 miles east of Germantown Road.

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The Wolfchase Area is not actually a part of Cordova Tennessee, but is often referred to as part of the Cordova Tennessee area by association.

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Cordova Tennessee was a farming village east of Memphis with fewer than a dozen farms when it was founded in 1835.

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An important ammunition plant was near Cordova Tennessee and was served by the railroad during World War II.

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In 2012, the South Cordova Tennessee area was annexed by Memphis, and de-annexed in early 2021.

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The Rocky Point area, which is part of Cordova Tennessee, is centered north of Walnut Grove Road between the alignment of Forest Hill and Rocky Point Road.

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Cordova Tennessee grew from a quiet country farm hamlet with a population of 150 people in 1912 to one of the fastest growing neighborhoods of Memphis.

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Cordova Tennessee is home to a branch of the Memphis Public Library system.

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