55 Facts About Count Dracula


Count Dracula is the title character of Bram Stoker's 1897 gothic horror novel Dracula.


Count Dracula is considered the prototypical and archetypal vampire in subsequent works of fiction.


Count Dracula is an undead, centuries-old vampire, and a Transylvanian nobleman who claims to be a Szekely descended from Attila the Hun.


Unlike the vampires of Eastern European folklore, which are portrayed as repulsive, corpse-like creatures, Count Dracula is handsome and charismatic, with a veneer of aristocratic charm.


Count Dracula had a mighty brain, a learning beyond compare, and a heart that knew no fear and no remorse.


Count Dracula studied the black arts at the academy of Scholomance in the Carpathian Mountains, overlooking the town of Sibiu and has a deep knowledge of alchemy and magic.


Count Dracula awakens to find a gigantic wolf laying on his chest and licking his throat.


Soon, the Count Dracula begins menacing Harker's fiancee, Wilhelmina "Mina" Murray, and her friend, Lucy Westenra.


Count Dracula reads his journal and passes it along to Van Helsing.


The group gathers intelligence to track down Count Dracula and destroy him.


Harker aids the party in tracking down the locations of the boxes to the various residences of Dracula and discovers that Dracula purchased multiple real estate properties throughout London under the alias 'Count De Ville'.


Van Helsing and Seward discover Count Dracula biting Mina and forcing her to drink his blood.


The group repels Count Dracula using crucifixes and sacramental bread, forcing him to flee by turning into a dark vapour.


Count Dracula has an appreciation for ancient architecture prefers purchasing old houses, saying "a new home would kill me" and that it takes a century to make one habitable.


Count Dracula is very proud of his warrior heritage, proclaiming his pride to Harker on how the Szekely people are infused with the blood of heroes.


Count Dracula expresses an interest in the history of the British Empire, speaking admiringly of its people.


Count Dracula has a somewhat primal and predatory worldview, pities ordinary humans for their revulsion to their darker impulses, feels human emotions and often says that he can love.


Count Dracula is described early in the novel as thin, with a long white moustache, pointed ears and sharp teeth.


Count Dracula is dressed all in black and has hair on his palms.


Count Dracula possesses great wealth, and has Romani people in his homeland who are loyal to him as servants and protectors.


Count Dracula is portrayed in the novel using many different supernatural abilities, and is believed to have gained his abilities through dealings with the devil.


Count Dracula has superhuman strength which, according to Van Helsing, is equivalent to that of 20 strong men.


Count Dracula is immune to conventional means of attack; a sailor tries to stab him in the back with a knife, but the blade goes through his body as though it is air.


Count Dracula can defy gravity to a certain extent and possesses superhuman agility, able to climb vertical surfaces upside down in a reptilian manner.


Count Dracula has the ability to "within limitations" vanish and reappear elsewhere at will.


Count Dracula has amassed cunning and wisdom throughout centuries and is unable to die of senescence.


Count Dracula's control is limited, as seen when the party first enters his house in London.


Count Dracula can manipulate the weather and, within his range, is able to direct the elements, such as storms, fog and mist.


Count Dracula is able to pass through tiny cracks or crevices while retaining his human form or in the form of a vapour; described by Van Helsing as the ability to slip through a hairbreadth space of a tomb door or coffin.


One of Count Dracula's powers is the ability to turn others into vampires by biting them.


Count Dracula is only stronger, and being stronger, have yet more power to work evil.


Count Dracula requires no other sustenance but fresh human blood, which has the effect of rejuvenating him and allowing him to grow younger.


Count Dracula's power is drawn from the blood of others, and he cannot survive without it.


Harker states that he believes Count Dracula has a state of fasting as well as a state of feeding.


Count Dracula tells Mina exerting his abilities raises a desire to feed.


Count Dracula is depicted as the "King Vampire", and can control other vampires.


Count Dracula's teeth start growing longer but do not grow sharper.


Count Dracula begins to lose her appetite, feeling repulsed by normal food, begins to sleep more and more during the day; cannot wake unless at sunset and stops writing in her diary.


Count Dracula is much less powerful in daylight and is only able to shift his form at dawn, noon, and dusk.


Count Dracula is confined within the limitations of his earthly envelope.


Count Dracula's power ceases, as does that of all evil things, at the coming of the day.


Count Dracula is limited in his ability to travel, as he can only cross running water at low or high tide.


Count Dracula is unable to enter a place unless invited to do so by someone of the household, even a visitor; once invited, he can enter and leave the premises at will.


Count Dracula is commonly depicted with a bloodlust which he is seemingly unable to control.


Count Dracula is repulsed by garlic, as well as sacred items and symbols such as crucifixes, and sacramental bread.


Count Dracula is portrayed as being active in daylight at least once to pursue a victim.


Count Dracula requires Transylvanian soil to be nearby to him in a foreign land or to be entombed within his coffin within Transylvania in order to successfully rest; otherwise, he will be unable to recover his strength.


Count Dracula is most powerful when he is within his Earth-Home, Coffin-Home, Hell-Home, or any place unhallowed.


Count Dracula seems to be able to hold influence over people with mental disorders, such as Renfield, who is never bitten but who worships Count Dracula, referring to him over the course of the novel as "Master" and "Lord".


Count Dracula has been portrayed by more actors in more visual media adaptations of the novel than any other horror character.


In 2003, Count Dracula, as portrayed by Lugosi in the 1931 film, was named as the 33rd greatest movie villain by the AFI.


Already in 1958, Cecil Kirtly proposed that Count Dracula shared his personal past with the historical Transylvanian-born Voivode Vlad III Dracula of Wallachia, known as Vlad the Impaler or Vlad Tepes.


Historically, the name "Count Dracula" is the family name of Vlad Tepes' family, a name derived from a fraternal order of knights called the Order of the Dragon, founded by Sigismund of Luxembourg to uphold Christianity and defend the Empire against the Ottoman Turks.


Some Count Dracula scholars, led by Elizabeth Miller, have questioned the depth of this connection as early as 1998.


The Count Dracula's intended identity is later commented by Professor Van Helsing, referring to a letter from his friend Arminius:.