17 Facts About Cynthia Solomon


Cynthia Solomon is an American computer scientist known for her work in artificial intelligence and popularizing computer science for students.


Cynthia Solomon is a pioneer in the fields of artificial intelligence, computer science, and educational computing.


Cynthia Solomon's work has mainly focused on research on human-computer interaction and children as designers.


Dr Cynthia Solomon worked on the program committee of Constructing Modern Knowledge and the Marvin Minsky Institute for Artificial Intelligence in 2016.


Dr Cynthia Solomon has conducted workshops in elementary schools, high schools, and colleges regarding academic research and writing.


Cynthia Solomon continues to contribute to the field by speaking at conferences and working with the One Laptop per Child Foundation.


Cynthia Solomon then received her Doctor of Philosophy in education at Harvard University in 1985.


Intermittently while completing her schooling, Cynthia Solomon worked for several years as a researcher with Marvin Minsky and Seymour Papert at MIT and later at Bolt, Beranek and Newman.


Cynthia Solomon became the Technology Integration Coordinator at Monsignor Haddad Middle School in Needham, Massachusetts.


Cynthia Solomon maintained a long relationship working with the MIT Media Lab and the One Laptop per Child Foundation.


Dr Cynthia Solomon is still a leading worker for the foundation and directed the creation of educational materials for it.


Cynthia Solomon continued teaching, consulting, and her scholarship while working with several esteemed research labs and foundations.


Together with Seymour Papert and Wally Feurzeig, Cynthia Solomon designed the Logo computer programming language in 1967.


Dr Cynthia Solomon began to develop Logo after coming to the realization that children needed a programming language of their own.


Cynthia Solomon directed the creation of educational materials for the One Laptop per Child Foundation, and her doctoral research at Harvard led to the publication of the critical book, Computer Environments for Children: A Reflection on Theories of Learning and Education.


Cynthia Solomon is the co-author of Designing Multimedia Environments for Children, with Allison Druin.


Cynthia Solomon introduced the Seymour Papert memorial lecture at CrossRoads 2018, and facilitated conversation about new uses for the program in education and to a new demographic of users.