23 Facts About Cyprian


Cyprian was a bishop of Carthage and an early Christian writer of Berber descent, many of whose Latin works are extant.


Cyprian is recognized as a saint in the Western and Eastern churches.


Cyprian was born around the beginning of the 3rd century in North Africa, perhaps at Carthage, where he received a classical education.


Cyprian was born into a rich pagan Berber, Carthaginian family sometime during the early third century.


Cyprian described his own conversion and baptism in the following words:.


Cyprian chose to go into hiding, rather than face potential execution.


Cyprian found those libellatici especially cowardly and demanded that they and the rest of the lapsi undergo public penance before being readmitted to the Church.


Cyprian took a middle course between the followers of Novatus of Carthage, who were in favour of welcoming back all with little or no penance, and Novatian of Rome, who would not allow any of those who had lapsed to be reconciled.


The council in the main sided with Cyprian and condemned Felicissimus though no acts of that council survive.


Cyprian now found himself wedged between laxists and rigorists, but the polarisation highlighted the firm but moderate position adopted by Cyprian and strengthened his influence by wearing down the numbers of his opponents.


Cyprian comforted his brethren by writing his De mortalitate and in his De eleemosynis exhorted them to active charity towards the poor and set a personal example.


Cyprian defended Christianity and the Christians in the apologia Ad Demetrianum, directed against a certain Demetrius, and countered pagan claims that Christians were the cause of the public calamities.


Cyprian refused to sacrifice to the pagan deities and firmly professed Christ.


Cyprian removed his garments without assistance, knelt down, and prayed.


Cyprian's martyrdom was followed by the martyrdom of eight of his disciples in Carthage.


Cyprian's works were edited in volumes 3 and 4 of the Patrologia Latina.


Cyprian was not a speculative theologian, his writings being always related to his pastoral ministry.


Pontius the Deacon wrote a biography of Cyprian titled The Life and Passion of St Cyprian, which details the saint's early life, his conversion, notable acts, and martyrdom under Valerian.


Cyprian however spoke against the efficiency of baptism done by heretics and insisted on their rebaptism, and he believed that the Eucharist cannot be properly consecrated outside the church.


Cyprian believed that the lapsed can be re-admitted to the Church after penance and he opposed the Novatians.


Cyprian believed that every bishop occupies Peter's throne, but the see of Peter is the direct heir of Peter.


Cyprian believed that all the apostles were equal and that all the bishops followed the Apostles in succession.


Cyprian argued that each days of Genesis consisted of 1000 years.